Agenda item

Bishop's Park Tennis Courts, Bishop's Avenue, London, Palace Riverside, 2020/01261/FUL


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which amended the report.


Cllr Harcourt declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Bishop’s Park Tennis Court (2020/01261/FUL), as he was the Cabinet Member responsible for the Environment. He confirmed he would leave the meeting for the item and not vote on the application.


Cllr Karmel declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Bishop’s Park Tennis Court (2020/01261/FUL), as his daughter had received coaching there and the school she attends uses the facilities. As he considered this would not prejudice his vote, he remained in the meeting and voted on the item.


Councillor Matt Uberoi declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Bishop’s Park Tennis Court (2020/01261/FUL), as he knew one of the objectors. As he had not discussed the application with them, he considered this would not prejudice his vote, he remained in the meeting and voted on the item.


The Committee heard a representation from a resident in objection to the application on behalf of residents of Bishops Mansions.


The Committee heard representations from the Applicant and a resident in support of the application.


In the course of discussions, Councillor Matt Thorley proposed three amendments as follows:


1.     That a new noise impact assessment be conducted, with the remit to be agreed with officers beforehand.

2.     That temporary use be granted for one year and

3.     That the hours of operation of the application match those of the existing tennis courts.


This was seconded by Councillor Alex Karmel.


The Committee voted on the proposed amendments for application 2020/01261/FUL as follows:



Amendment 1






Not Voting:



Amendment 2






Not Voting:



Amendment 3






Not Voting:



The proposed amendments were refused.


The Committee voted on the recommendation for application 2020/01261/FULas follows:



Officer Recommendation 1






Not Voting:









            RESOLVED THAT:


Planning Application 2020/01261 be refused, subject to:


1.     That the application be refused for the following reason(s):



1) The proposal is considered unacceptable on the grounds of visual amenity. More particularly, the addition of enclosures to the padel court perimeter fence by virtue of their design, scale, obscure materials with advertisement signage introduce adiscordant feature which has an adverse impact on the visual permeability of this open space (Metropolitan Open Land) and would fail to preserve or enhance the Bishops Park Conservation Area. In this respect, the proposal is contrary to Policies DC1, DC8, OS1, OS2, RTC3, of the Local Plan (2018) and Key Principles AH1, AH2 and CAG3 of the Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (2018).


2) The proposal is unacceptable on the grounds of residential amenity. The

application site is in close proximity to nearby residential properties at Bishops

Mansions in Bishop Park Road and it is considered that the existing use has a

harmful impact in terms of nuisance, noise and disturbance. The Noise Impact

Assessment does not not include sufficient information to draw robust conclusions

regarding the regular use of the padel courts. The proposal is contrary to Policies

DC1, CF3, CC11, CC13 of the Local Plan (2018) and Key Principle NN1 and NN2

of the Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (2018).



Supporting documents: