Agenda item

Proposals for a governance and strategy review

This report recommends that the Trust Committee agree a number of actions in order to put the Trust on a transparent and firm footing, allowing it to make decisions in an appropriate way in the future.





David Burns, Advisor to the Trust, summarised the report and noted that the work on establishing a business case for decisions around Linford Christie Stadium had brought to the Council’s attention, in its role as Corporate Trustee, a number of factors around the ownership of land and property, management arrangements, finance, and governance of the Trust and the Trust Committee. The Trust was in fact the owner of the Linford Christie Stadium and the associated pitches, and that it is responsible for all income and expenditure associated with it. In addition, the governance arrangements needed to be updated so that an appropriate scheme of delegation was in place. Furthermore, the Trust Committee should consider how it could make appropriate decisions in all areas where the Council as corporate body has a financial interest and at the same time effectively manage any conflicts of interest. It was recommended that the Trust Committee noted all matters in the report and agreed with the development of this strategy


David Burns noted that the draft scheme of delegation (Appendix 1) had been updated and clearly sets out the procedure of delegation and provided transparency around the budget available to the Trust. In addition, the legal advice received, recommended that conflicts of interests were managed properly as part of the review of the governance arrangements.


Members noted that this was a good opportunity, however asked for further clarification to be provided on the Council’s intention as part of this process. In response David Burns explained that this was mainly driven by the legal advice received. There was also an opportunity to provide the Trust with a clear structure on how it delegated to H&F officers transparently. This would also ensure that the correct governance arrangements were in place so that the Trust could make strategic decisions in a more appropriate way. This scheme would be developed over time in consultation with the Committee and interested parties.


Miriam Shea - Co-opted Member, requested that a detailed breakdown of the income and costs associated with the running of the Linford Christie Stadium be provided to the Committee. David Burns said that the Council fully intended to provide these details and the Trust would be free to make decisions from a historical management standpoint. In addition, we would need to navigate this process given the role of the Council as the corporate trustee and corporate body.


Members asked if the Trust needed to obtain their own legal advice. David Burns noted that the Council as the role of the corporate trustee was taking legal advice for the benefit of the Trust Committee.


Miriam Shea said that the scheme of delegation for the Linford Christie Stadium seemed to be restricted and this needed to be much broader. David Burns said that the wording would be update and recirculated to the Committee.


The Chair requested that the legal advice be circulated to the Committee.


Action – David Burns



-        The Committee noted the proposed scheme of delegation, the change to the Trust Manager and requested the Council in its role as Corporate Trustee to make changes to the terms of reference for the Trust to implement the Scheme of Delegation.

-        The Committee noted that the Council in its role as Corporate Trustee would review the governance arrangements and membership of the Trust Committee to ensure decisions were made in compliance with legal advice and charity commission nest practice.

-        The Committee noted that officers would review and present global financial accounts at the next Trust meeting to account for legal advice.

-        The Committee noted that the Council would review its current contributions to the Trust and advise that the Trust Committee accordingly at the earliest opportunity.

-        The Committee agreed the recommended next steps for the Trust Committee and the Council as outlined in this report in paragraphs 52 to 55.


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