Agenda item

Manager's Report

The Committee is asked to note all matters in this report.


Stephen Hollingworth, Advisor to the Trust, presented the report.


Linford Christie stadium

Stephen Hollingworth noted that all handwash basins were now fully operational, following the replacement of the boiler. In addition, amended Heads of Terms had been issued to KDFC and formal agreement was being sought from the club.


Site Management Update

Richard Gill noted that the procurement process had begun to agree a new Ground Maintenance (GM) contract. The first stage was to approach the market to explore what options were available. A proposal was currently also being drafted to Cabinet.


Funding for a new cricket strip had been obtained. This would be an artificial wicket and allow cricket to be played at the Scrubs. The hospital car park was still intermittently crossed by excess water after heavy rain. This would be addressed in the AEM mitigation works in the coming years.


Miriam Shea noted her disappointed of the plan to extend the existing contract questioning why there had been a delay.


Stephen Hollingworth noted that AEM consultants would develop a biodiversity management plan for the Scrubs which would form part of the future plans.


Design Proposals

Richard Gill noted that the appointed consultants, Land Use Consultants, had developed the ecological design proposals and a presentation was made on 9th January 2020 to the design team. The sites management and the potential intervention or development on surrounding sites had been considered to develop the masterplan proposals. The main proposals were outlined.


Community Engagement Strategy

Councillor Alexandra Sanderson noted that the consultation plan needed to be more comprehensive given the level of the project. It would be practical to explore ways to engage residents and establish what consultation had already taken place to ensure the right residents/groups were being approached.  Stephen Hollingworth noted that this would be built into the contract to ensure a wider consultation was delivered as per the request of the Committee.


Action: Stephen Hollingworth


The Chair enquired whether disabled people had been approached as part of the consultation process. David Burns noted that that the Disability Planning Group would be contacted to ensure this was progressed further.


Action: David Burns


Conservation Management Plan

Richard Gill noted that the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was not a detailed management and maintenance plan but would help to develop one. The CMP had been submitted to HS2 for comments before being made available to the Committee. Members requested that this document be circulated to the Committee to review.


Action: Richard Gill

Re-Routing Stamford Brook Sewer Legal Agreement

Richard Gill noted that the design proposals for the re-routed Stamford Brook sewer and the UTX works would have an impact on the sites western end. A detailed design had not yet been proposed.


Potential Future Events on Wormwood Scrubs

Stephen Hollingworth noted that the Council was actively seeking future events to take place on the Scrubs. Secret Cinema had been approached to build a temporary set on the Scrubs in 2021 to put on a performance over the summer for a 4-week period.


Councillor Alexandra Sanderson enquired what was the capacity of this event. Advisors explained that the capacity for each show would be approximately 4000 people. The Committee requested a paper to be brought to a future Committee addressing the potential risk to the Scrubs as a result of holding this event.


Action: Stephen Hollingworth


Community Safety Incidents

Stephen Hollingworth noted that there had been no incidents of concern reported to the Parks Police. There was a total of 21 incidents relating to homeless people in 2019.


Councillor Alexandra Sanderson asked for further clarification to be provided on what happened to homeless people once these cases were report. In response Stephen Hollingworth explained that Parks Police would direct them to suitable places where they could go and access help and support.


Financial Outturn 2018/19

Stephen Hollingworth reported that the Trust was anticipating a surplus of £226,945. The Trusts closing funds were £5,742,189, which included £5,000,001 of restricted funds.


Financial Forecast 2019/20

Stephen Hollingworth noted that the 2019/2020 budget for the Trust was set with an anticipated surplus of £15,890 to be added to the Trust’s reserves. An overview of the Trust’s income, other income generated from activities and expenditure was provided. 


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