Agenda item

Early Years Block Budget Update 2020/21


Tony Burton (Head of Finance, Children’s Services) presented the report on the Initial Allocation of Early Years Block funding for 2020/21 based on January 2019 census numbers. The report explained the impact of the allocation on the participation model for all providers. The focus was on the funding for the 3 and 4 Year Old offer and the steps required for setting the 2020/21 Early Years budget.


Tony noted that there had been a modest increase in the Early Years DSG funding rate, equivalent to an additional 8p per hour.


Tony explained that more information on the SEN Inclusion Fund (including costs and suggestions of how best to balance funding) would be presented to the Forum at the next meeting in March. The fund was currently set at £300k but it may need to grow if demand on the budget exceeds that figure.


The Chair asked how best to feed into that work. Jan Parnell (Assistant Director of Education) said the Early Years Strategy was going out to consultation for a six-week period at the end of January. The Council had recently appointed a new Early Years lead who was currently meeting stakeholders. Jan Parnell added that officers were also streamlining the process to make it less onerous for schools to apply for funding - e.g. schools could apply on a group rather than an individual basis etc.


Tony discussed the central services budget in section 4 of the report. A forum member asked how the £80k for the finance team in the central services block had been calculated. Tony explained that it was based on staff time that service the finance elements of Early Years work. Previously this was picked up by the central services block, but officers were looking to regularise the budget. The DfE had signalled their intention to claw the central services block back at some point.


Jane Gleasure commented that the level of SEND in the borough was the most significant issue for the PVI sector. There was very little training or funding available. She said there was just one support worker spread between 75 nurseries. At one of her nurseries 15 percent of children had SEND – at the other it was around 10 percent. Michelle Barrett agreed that the need was outstripping the resources available.


Jane added that there was good access to the speech and language therapy service.  Concerns were raised about the issuing of funds allocated through EHCPs. Mandy Lawson noted that this should not be happening and agreed to follow this up.

ACTION: Mandy Lawson


Michelle and Jane raised the issue of access to enhanced or full-time places for vulnerable children including those who are CP and CIN.  It was noted that a system for the LA’s allocation of additional support for these children remains outstanding.  


Claire Fletcher said schools with nurseries were struggling to have two qualified teachers in nurseries.


Jan Parnell asked that all of these points were including in the letter. The Chair added that this area needed real focus from the Council.


Mandy Lawson informed members that as part of the consultation on the SEN Inclusion Fund it is essential that officers got accurate data on the numbers of children, this will support the LA to direct resources at an appropriate level.



The recommendations and next steps in the report were noted.

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