Agenda item

Special Motion 3 - Remaining in the European Union


Councillor Rory Vaughan stated that as an employee of the Financial Services regulator he had to declare an interest in this special motion. He left the room before the debate started.  He did not vote on the motion.


9.58pm – Councillor Andrew Jones moved, seconded by Councillor Christabel Cooper, the special motion in their names:


“This Council agrees that the best possible deal for all Britons is for the UK to remain a full member of the European Union and calls on the government to ensure that is an option.


The Council regrets that following the referendum result the government falsely argued it had a mandate for a Hard Brexit; allowed hardline Brexiteers to dictate its agenda; set naïve and unachievable ‘red lines’; triggered Article 50 without a clear plan for what would happen next; and then arranged a Conservative Party leadership contest that has squandered the short amount of time available to stop this Brexit madness and govern for all the people of our country – not just the few.


The Council therefore:

·         Re-affirms its demand that the Government rule out a No Deal Brexit

·         Re-affirms its call for the Government to carry out a People’s Vote with the option to Remain

·         Calls on the government to revoke Article 50 rather than leave the EU with No Deal.


The Council notes that both current contenders for the leadership of the Conservative Party have stated they will deliver Brexit even if that means No Deal. It also notes one of these candidates, Jeremy Hunt, stated he regarded that numerous businesses going bankrupt was an acceptable price to pay for delivering Brexit in this manner. It also notes the support Mr Hunt has from the MP for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands.


This Council recognises the gravity of such a reckless and irresponsible position for the future well-being of Borough residents and those across the UK. It notes that such a course of action will most likely lead to a recession, wreck significant numbers of businesses, increase unemployment and lead to falling standards of living for Borough residents. It is likely to have a negative impact on the life chances of both current and future generations in this Borough for decades to come.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Andrew Jones, Christabel Cooper, Ben Coleman, Patricia Quigley, Guy Vincent, Max Schmid, Fiona Smith, Stephen Cowan, and Bora Kwon (for the Administration) and Councillors Alex Karmel and Andrew Brown (for the Opposition).


Councillor Andrew Jones made a speech winding up the debate before the motion was put to the vote. Councillors called for a named vote.






Brown (A)

Brown (D)




























































FOR                            28

AGAINST                    5

NOT VOTING            1


The motion was declared CARRIED.


10.47pm – RESOLVED


This Council agrees that the best possible deal for all Britons is for the UK to remain a full member of the European Union and calls on the government to ensure that is an option.


The Council regrets that following the referendum result the government falsely argued it had a mandate for a Hard Brexit; allowed hardline Brexiteers to dictate its agenda; set naïve and unachievable ‘red lines’; triggered Article 50 without a clear plan for what would happen next; and then arranged a Conservative Party leadership contest that has squandered the short amount of time available to stop this Brexit madness and govern for all the people of our country – not just the few.


The Council therefore:

·         Re-affirms its demand that the Government rule out a No Deal Brexit

·         Re-affirms its call for the Government to carry out a People’s Vote with the option to Remain

·         Calls on the government to revoke Article 50 rather than leave the EU with No Deal.


The Council notes that both current contenders for the leadership of the Conservative Party have stated they will deliver Brexit even if that means No Deal. It also notes one of these candidates, Jeremy Hunt, stated he regarded that numerous businesses going bankrupt was an acceptable price to pay for delivering Brexit in this manner. It also notes the support Mr Hunt has from the MP for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands.


This Council recognises the gravity of such a reckless and irresponsible position for the future well-being of Borough residents and those across the UK. It notes that such a course of action will most likely lead to a recession, wreck significant numbers of businesses, increase unemployment and lead to falling standards of living for Borough residents. It is likely to have a negative impact on the life chances of both current and future generations in this Borough for decades to come.

Supporting documents: