Agenda item

Special Motion 2 - Climate Emergency


7.43pm – Councillor Bora Kwon moved, seconded by Councillor Jonathan Caleb-Landy, the special motion in their names with the following amendment to the third bullet point:

·         Set a target date of 2030 for the whole of the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham to be carbon zero.


“This Council notes with concern the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on global climate change impacts and the recent Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reports on global species and habitat loss.


Further to this, Council:


1.    Declares its recognition of global climate and biodiversity emergencies.


2.    Agrees the Council will:

·         Set up a new cross-cutting climate change emergency unit to accelerate its strategy and actions across all Council departments and activities.

·         Initiate an independent, resident-led, climate change emergency commission to publicly develop ground-breaking policies that tackle climate change.

·         Set a target date of 2030 for the whole of the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham to be carbon neutral.

·         Review our resident-led commissions on air quality and biodiversity to consider how the Council can further strengthen local protection and enhancement of species, habitats and ecosystems and air quality systems under available powers.


3.    Requests that the Chief Executive write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer stating the concern of the Council with respect to the above, the likely national impact on the economy and on the well-being of citizens, and requesting government funding be made available to implement swift appropriate actions in response.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Bora Kwon, Jonathan Caleb-Landy, Sue Fennimore, and PJ Murphy (for the Administration) and Councillors Matt Thorley and Donald Johnson (for the Opposition).


Under Standing Order 15(e)(6), Councillor Andrew Brown moved, seconded by Councillor Donald Johnson, an amendment in their names:


“At end add:


Further to this, Council recognises that the Climate Emergency cannot wait for committees and commissions to take months or years to make changes, when action is needed now:

1.    Recognises the increase in electric car charging points in the borough but agrees that this is not sufficient to meet demand or to address the Climate Emergency.

2.    Notes the teething troubles with the new lamppost charging points in the borough which could damage residents’ confidence in this programme and resolves to improve the relevant signage.

3.    Regrets the £200 charge for a smart cable to use the these charging points and resolves to reduce this to £20.

4.    Welcomes the discount for parking permits for greener hybrid vehicles of £60 and resolves to reduce this to £30.

5.    Welcomes the free parking permits for fully electric vehicles and resolves to provide a cash back scheme of at least £50 to incentivise use of these vehicles.

6.    Resolves to extend the partial discount scheme for hybrid and fully electric vehicles to business permit holders to incentivise electric commercial vehicles.

7.    Resolves to replace the Council fleet of diesel vehicles with electric vehicles as soon as is practically possible, bearing in mind the cost to residents, and to incentivise Council contractors to use greener hybrid and fully electric vehicles.

8.    Agrees to cover the costs of these incentive schemes through increased permit charges for new diesel vehicles, registered from 1st January 2020, recognising the misleading Governmental advice and criminal falsification of some manufacturers’ emission standards, and noting that an increase in charges for existing diesel vehicles would have an unfair, punitive impact on the most vulnerable in society, including the disabled and those not in a financial position to change their vehicle.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Andrew Brown (for the Opposition) and Councillors Bora Kwon, Stephen Cowan, and Wesley Harcourt (for the Administration).


The amendment to the special motion was then put to the vote:


FOR                            7

AGAINST                   29

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared LOST.


Speeches on the substantive motion were made by Councillors Andrew Brown (for the Opposition) and Councillor Stephen Cowan (for the Administration). Councillor Bora Kwon then made a speech winding up the debate before the substantive motion was put to the vote.


FOR                            UNANIMOUS

AGAINST                    0

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


8.42pm – RESOLVED


This Council notes with concern the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on global climate change impacts and the recent Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reports on global species and habitat loss.


Further to this, Council:


1.    Declares its recognition of global climate and biodiversity emergencies.


2.     Agrees the Council will:

·         Set up a new cross-cutting climate change emergency unit to accelerate its strategy and actions across all Council departments and activities.

·         Initiate an independent, resident-led, climate change emergency commission to publicly develop ground-breaking policies that tackle climate change.

·         Set a target date of 2030 for the whole of the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham to be carbon zero.

·         Review our resident-led commissions on air quality and biodiversity to consider how the Council can further strengthen local protection and enhancement of species, habitats and ecosystems and air quality systems under available powers.


3.    Requests that the Chief Executive write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer stating the concern of the Council with respect to the above, the likely national impact on the economy and on the well-being of citizens, and requesting government funding be made available to implement swift appropriate actions in response.



Under Standing Order 15(e)(3), Councillor Colin Aherne moved to give precedence to Special Motion 5. The motion was agreed.

Supporting documents: