Agenda item

Social Isolation and Loneliness Update Report

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the work the Council is doing to address issues of social isolation and loneliness within the Borough.


Anita Parkin confirmed that the report author, Fraser Serle, was leading this work, which was a top priority for the Borough.  It was well recognised that there was a clear correlation between health inequalities and social isolation and loneliness (SIL).  The Board had considered SIL in March 2019. Following engagement work, stakeholders had been involved in workshop discussions and an updated delivery action plan was being drafted, to be brought back to the Board later in the year.


The aim was to precipitate a change in culture within the Borough and to embed this, working with all ages, and social groups such as young people, older people and carers. This would recognise that SIL was an issue that was a community wide concern.  This was not about achieving a quick fix but about building a borough identity.  A bid for the national lottery was being developed to secure resources.


Anita Parkin reported that they were also working closely with emergency services and that she had met with Helen Harper, Borough Commander. Emergency services often worked with vulnerable individuals who might experience SIL. In collaboration with established groups, the work might potentially alleviate some of the pressure on blue light services.  The Council was also examining social value indicators within its own contracts, encompassing all areas of social commissioning.  The Economy Department was looking at a service model which could link up communities, not just those in social housing, and explore how the Council signpost support. 


Janet Cree referred to paragraph 4.4 and social prescribing within the NHS.  It was explained that there had been discussions to explore how social prescribing could be linked into wider provision. More resources would be made available as part of the development of primary care networks (PCNs) to collate information in an accessible way for residents. This will be in a leaflet format and could help signpost services for SIL. Further details would be reported to the Board in due course.  Sue Spiller welcomed the concept an information leaflet and suggested that it include references to what was available in the voluntary sector. In addition to highlighting their work, the leaflet could be distributed through local third sector voluntary groups and organisations and help make them more visible. 


It was observed that some residents who experienced SIL did not fit into categories for example, older people.  Anita clarified that this point had been identified in the original strategy (considered by the Board in March 2017) and that this was cross-cutting issue that affected a broad range of different groups.  The key was to understand how to signpost residents to SIL support services, connecting them to local, community events within the Borough.  Lisa Redfern confirmed that Council aimed to be an exemplar.  Many staff lived outside the Borough and commuted significant distances, balancing work and life priorities. While they would not necessarily have an SIL condition, the Council wanted to raise the profile of SIL need and how to harness the support that existed. Councillor Coleman commented that this was an important strand of the Council’s work which aimed to better support staff so that they felt less isolated.


Vanessa Andreae commented on an organisation called Kindred which had recently established itself in Bradmore House, Queen Caroline Street. A membership club, they hosted a range of social events which was open to members.  Membership allowed use of facilities which included a library, restaurant and quite spaces for working age professionals who wanted to network. Janet Cree observed that there were similar concerns about the health and wellbeing of CCG staff and how to support them, although they were smaller in number. 




That the report be noted.


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