Agenda item

Affordable Housing Delivery Strategy - Verbal Update


Labab Labub (Partnership Manager and Strategy, Housing) provided a presentation which set out the current work train and the emerging strategy?.Mr Labub explained the change in council policy from the a fiscally prudent approach of paying down debt to being emphasizing growth and delivery of affordable housing while being ruthlessly financially efficient.


Mr Labub set out the Council’s strategic approach to development through two main routes;


1.    The Asset and Growth Strategy

This involved reviewing Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and General Fund land to develop a better understanding of the opportunities from the Council’s estate and then consider the best delivery routes to maximise the benefit for the Council.


2.    The Schools Renewal Programme

This programme centred on developing modern, fit for purpose schools as provide housing through better use of the schools’ estate. The workstream involved Public Service Reform, Social Services and Housing.


Councillor Ann Rosenberg asked about the Watermeadow Court demolition in 2019 and what the latest information was. In response, Mr Labub explained that the Council was looking at a revised date for this to take place and he would provide the Committee with some revised information outside the meeting.


Action: Mr Labub to provide the Committee with further information about the timetable for demolition of Water Meadow Water Court.


Councillor Adronie Alford asked about the tenure breakdown of Edith Summerskill House and whether the intention was for the development only to be used as a key worker scheme. In response, Mr Labub explained that he would be able to provide a breakdown of the tenure outside the meeting.


Action: Mr Labub to provide the Committee with further information about the breakdown of tenure at Edith Summerskill House


Discussing the innovative ways new housing could be delivered, Councillor Rowan Ree noted that a recent housing development had incorporated a school at ground level, with flats directly above the school. While new thinking was commended, he asked about the safeguarding implications for these types of development.


In response, Mr Labub explained that schools were designed in consultation with the schools’ governors and access and egress rights were considered at length during the design consultation phases. Asking a further question, Councillor Rowan Ree enquired how many market rent properties were in the pipeline. In response, Mr Labub explained this information could be provided outside the meeting.


Action: Mr Labub to provide details on the number of market rent properties were scheduled to be built on 19/20.


Concluding the item, the Chair explained there were a number of market rent schemes that were on site, apart from those developments which were multi-phase. Mr Labub confirmed that the Housing Department were looking to identify further sites in the borough which could potentially be used for a further 800 units of affordable housing. The Chair stated that the Administrations’ aim was to deliver 1500 additional units over the next 5 years and he welcomed the initiatives officers were pursuing in relation to S106 agreements and their links to employment opportunities and apprenticeships.


Action: That officers provide a further update on The Affordable Housing Strategy later in the 19/20 municipal year.




That the Committee reviewed and commented on the report.


That officers provide a further update later in the year.




5.         WORK PROGRAMMING 2018/19


The Chair introduced the item and confirmed that the Committee would examine Sheltered Housing at its September 2019 meeting and the Repairs Service would be examined later in the year.




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