Agenda item

Hartopp and Lannoy Points

This report has an appendix which contains information exempt within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act1972 and is not for publication. The appendix has therefore been circulated to Cabinet Members only.


Any discussions on the contents of an exempt appendix will require Cabinet to pass the proposed resolution identified at the end of the agenda to exclude members of the public and the press from the proceedings for that discussion.



Councillor Lisa Homan stated that structural surveys had identified significant health and safety concerns at Hartopp and Lannoy Points, which required a substantial investment to address structural defects. The Council had consulted with residents on its preferred option of demolition and the result had been overwhelmingly supportive of the Council’s preferred option to demolish. The Council would support residents with the decant.


Jo Rowlands, the Strategic director for the economy department?, gave an overview of the benefits of the scheme, including the creation of more affordable housing


The Leader, Council Stephen Cowan, added that this scheme would support the Council’s priority of delivering new genuinely affordable homes.


Councillor Adronie Alford stated that the opposition was in support of this decision. This was the only answer to deal with a very difficult situation and make better use of the site. It would be an excellent opportunity to enhance the architectural quality of the neighbourhood.




1.    To consider the responses to the consultation as set out in exempt Appendix 4 and officers’ comments in section 6 of this report.


2.    To approve the demolition of Hartopp and Lannoy Points and authorises The Strategic Director for the Economy to serve a demolition notice on the secure tenants of Hartopp and Lannoy Points.


3.    To approve a total capital budget allocation of £8,717,000 funded by internal or external borrowing as represented by an increase in the HRA capital financing requirement.


4.    To approve the offer to secure tenants and leaseholders of Hartopp and Lannoy Points based on the offer package as set out in section 7 of the report.


5.    To delegate authority to the Strategic Director for the Economy, in consultation with the Strategic Director for Finance and Governance, to acquire the leasehold properties required to secure vacant possession of the buildings.  An additional £4,717,000 will be allocated for the purchase of leasehold properties.


6.    To approve portable equity share loan options to resident leaseholders to enable them to remain in home ownership within the area and delegates authority to the Strategic Director for the Economy to finalise such arrangements. 


7.    To approve the Business Case and Procurement Strategy set out in Appendix 3 for the proposed approach to procure a demolition contractor to demolish Hartopp and Lannoy Points and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director for the Economy the contract award decision, to be taken following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.


8.    To approve a waiver of the usual tendering requirements of Contract Standing Order (CSO) 10 in relation to the appointment of technical advisers in relation to the Compulsory Purchase Order process, based on the information in section 8 of the report, on the grounds that this is in the overall interests of the Council.


9.    To approve the appointment, by way of direct award to Avison Young up to the value of £100,000 to provide project management, valuation services and technical advice in relation to the acquisition of leasehold properties and the Compulsory Purchase Order process where voluntary acquisition is unsuccessful.


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