Agenda item


This report provides an update on the potential themes to be explored by the Arts Commission.


Councillor Andrew Jones introduced the item and explained the rationale for the Council’s development of an Arts Strategy and its relationship with the Industrial Strategy. He stated that the Council had a track record of using commissions as an effective means of engaging with communities and ensuring residents’ views were considered as new policies were developed. 


Acknowledging the December 2018 PAC meeting and the questions that had arisen, he confirmed the Council had taken stock of the issues which had been raised and a new timetable for the Arts Commission had been drawn up. The Committee were informed that the Arts Commission’s programme had not started, the evidence gathering sessions had not been finalised and further thought had gone into its nature and independence.


Councillor Andrew Jones confirmed the purpose of the meeting was rewind the approach which had been suggested in December 2018 and to explore the types of questions the Arts Commission might explore during the evidence gathering phase. Possible themes included: the parameters of the Arts Commission, arts organisations and their role in land development, as well as performance and rehearsal space. Further topics included the relationship between the Arts and the Industrial Strategy, the historic underfunding of the arts and engagement and inclusion.


Joanne Woodward, Chief Planning and Economic Development Officer, reiterated the points made by Councillor Andrew Jones and confirmed that several new themes had been distilled into a series of questions which were set out in Appendix 1.


Councillor Rowan Ree confirmed he was pleased the ten questions outlined in Appendix 1 of the report referred to engagement with young people and asked how the Commission would be working with local schools. Councillor Andrew Jones confirmed that officers had already spoken to both Primary and Secondary School Heads about the Arts Commission / Industrial Strategy and the Council was thinking about how breakfast clubs might be used as a means of delivering talks on technology and the arts. Councillor Andrew Jones explained that one of the Arts Commission’s sessions would focus on what could be done to promote the arts to school children and incorporate topics such as islands of excellence, universal offers, best practice, as well as young people and arts outside the school environment.


Councillor Adronie Alford commented that the Committee had still not received a satisfactory response to questions it had asked in December 2018 related to the Arts Commission’s membership and the backgrounds of the

proposed panel members. She reiterated that the Committee knew nothing about them and was concerned that the panel members would be drawn from too a narrow band of expertise. In response, Councillor Andrew Jones confirmed that the Council was seeking to engage with experts from across the arts and it was essential the Commission panel members had experience of grass root issues, venues and inclusion.


Councillor Adronie Alford asked when the Committee would be provided with more information about the Commissioners and noted that the timescales mentioned in the report were very different from what had been proposed in December 2018. Addressing this point, Councillor Andrew Jones confirmed the timescale was linked to resources and it was highly likely the Arts Commission would begin its evidence gathering in May 2019 and conclude this about six months later. The Committee noted that the Arts Commission would be supported by a consultant throughout its work. The Chair confirmed it was important for the Committee to have a better understanding of the Comissioners in the fullness of time and who the expert witnesses would be.


A number of representatives from Arts groups attended the meeting and the Chair invited them to ask questions and participate in the meeting.


Flora Herberich – HF Arts Fest Producer, noted the timescales of the Commission and asked if, following the Commissions’ report, whether a new Arts Strategy would be written. Asking a supplementary question, she asked if this was the case, what would happen to support for the arts in this interim period? In response, Councillor Andrew Jones confirmed that arts organisations would continue to be supported throughout the Commission’s work and in terms of outcomes, the plan was to refresh the Arts Strategy and align this to a new plan. 


Petrea Owens– Chair of the HF Arts Fest, expressed concerns about the notice period for the PAC meeting and the timescales associated with the Commission. Joanne Woodward confirmed that moving forwards, as soon as officers had a clear timetable, this would be disseminated to arts groups.


Action: that officers compile a list of arts organisations within the borough and provide them with a timetable for the Art Commission’s work.


Lauren Clancy, Bush Theatre, asked a series of broader questions regarding culture and who defined it, as well as the issue of developing young people into artists. Matt Steinberg, Artistic Director /CEO, Outside Edge Theatre Company commented on the links between the arts, well being and public health, and whether other Committees or forums would have an input into the Arts Commission’s work. In response, Councillor Andrew Jones explained there were a number of overlapping areas which included the industrial strategy, education and public health which would need to inform the Commission’s work.


Councillor Zarar Qayyum noted the questions contained in Appendix 1 and asked if there was scope to broaden these and include training and apprenticeships. Councillor Andrew Jones confirmed these areas could be considered. Councillor Ann Rosenberg asked if there was going to be a mechanism to allow residents who wanted to start an arts group, to look at how this might be done and be provided with the appropriate contact details. Joanne Woodard highlighted the Council’s website and confirmed that it would include a page on the Arts Commission and how residents could become involved in the future.


Councillor Zarar Qayyum asked what the Council aimed to do with the outputs arising from the Commission. In response, Councillor Andrew Jones explained that these would need to be presented in a report to Cabinet before ultimately a decision was taken on which recommendations to adopt.


The Chair thanked all the attendees for providing their insights. Summarising the Committee’s views, he confirmed there was scope to improve future communications about the work of the Arts Commission and for details to be readily available about its scope timeframe and how residents could contribute to the commission. He noted that the Commission was due to start in May 2019 and information needed to be provided on the Commissioners themselves, as well as their breadth of experience. Concluding his remarks, the Chair confirmed the Committee were broadly supportive of the approach set out in the report, the questions detailed in Appendix  1 and an update was requested later in the year.



That the Committee reviewed and commented on the report.


That officers compile a list of arts organisations within the borough and provide them with a timetable for the Arts Commissions’ work


That officers provide a further update later in the year.



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