Agenda item

Hammersmith Town Hall King Street London W6 9JU - Hammersmith Broadway Ward - 2018/01500/FUL


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which made minor changes to the report.


One planning  application and one listed building consent application for the Hammersmith Town Hall were listed on the agenda. For ease of presentation, the Chair confirmed that one combined officer presentation would be provided to Committee and following debate, two separate and distinct votes would be taken on applications: 2018/01500/FUL and 2018/01501/LBC.


The Committee heard three representations in support of the application from: the Chair of Hammersmith and Fulham Disability Forum Planning Group, speaking on behalf of the Disabled Residents Team, the Town Hall Commission and the Applicant. A number of points were raised and included:


  • The proposal had been developed in co-production with disabled residents and would provide a high quality environment for disabled and impaired members of the community.
  • The Disabled Residents Team had worked with the Access consultants to ensure the proposal was a building everyone could use and enjoy.
  • The proposal would provide a safe and secure environment for all users.
  • The proposal would result in the provision of an inclusive environment, providing 10% of all units as wheelchair units with strong lift access to all upper levels within the development.
  • The West King Street Renewal would provide a civic and residential mixed-use redevelopment of the site.
  • The proposal would contribute to the local and wider London economy.
  • The proposal would help to regenerate the wider Hammersmith Town Centre Regeneration Area whilst delivering a quantum of affordable housing, in excess of the policy requirement of 50%.
  • The proposal had incorporated widespread public consultation and public involvement, including public meetings, amenity groups and local residents.
  • The Town Hall extension had blighted King Street and the new design concept delivered a proposal of high architectural quality and high quality public realm.  This would enhance and preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area and listed building.
  • The applicant had worked in partnership with Historic England to achieve an acceptable design.
  • The proposed development would deliver 204 dwelling units (Class C3), retail (Class A), restaurant/café (Class A3), cinema (Class D2) and Office space (Class B1), as well as enterprise units.


The Chair highlighted that one late objection had been received by email. These comments had been received and understood and related mainly to design matters.


During the course of discussions, the committee raised a number of points. These included:

  • The committee commended the community engagement and working with residents which had been undertaken during the development of the proposal.
  • The removal of the Town Hall extension and the improvements this would bring to King Street and the local area.
  • The scale / design of the Brie solei and the impact on wind noise.
  • The effects of the proposal on the micro-climate.
  • The overall accessibility of the proposal and the number of lifts which had been incorporated into the design.
  • The appearance of Block C, its visual amenity and the outlook implications of the design.
  • The incorporation of affordable housing in excess of the London Plan requirements.
  • The proposed new cinema and its revenue generation potential.
  • The proposed hours of operation of the site. In particular, the need for these to take account of the Town Hall operations during election counts.
  • The removal of trees in Nigel Play Fair Avenue and the need to ensure suitable species were selected as part of the landscaping condition/s.
  • The air quality of the residential units (Block D, near the A4) and the need to ensure a reliable air management design was selected.
  • The sunlight and daylight implications of the design.
  • Night time lighting and security considerations.


In the course of the above discussions, Councillor Alex Karmel proposed that a maximum permitted wind noise stemming from the brie solei be imposed. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Matt Thorley.


Councillor Wesley Harcourt proposed that the condition related to the hours of use be amended to reflect various civic events, as well as the need for extended hours of operation during election periods. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Alex Karmel.


The Committee voted on application 2018/01500/FUL and whether to agree the officer recommendations set out in the report, addendum and the following changes: the motion to include a maximum permitted wind noise from the  brie solei and amending the hours of use condition to reflect civic events and election periods. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:


Officer Recommendation 1:






Not Voting:



Officer Recommendation 2:






Not Voting:



            RESOLVED THAT:


Planning Application 2018/01500/FUL be approved, subject to the addendum and changes set out above.




1)    Subject to there being no contrary direction from the Mayor for London that the Committee resolve that the Strategic Director for Growth and Place be authorised to determine the application and grant permission upon the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement and subject to the conditions listed below;


2)    To authorise the Strategic Director for Growth and Place, in consultation with the Director of Law and the Chair of the Planning and Development Control Committee, to make any minor changes to the proposed conditions or heads of terms of the legal agreement. Any such changes shall be within their discretion.


Supporting documents: