Agenda item

Fulham Gasworks, Imperial Road, London, Sands End


Referring to the addendum, officers proposed a number of changes as follows: On the last page of addendum page 383, Point D under the Heads of Terms, officers refered to the replacement of “not to exceed” with “estimated cost of”. Committee members noted that this applied throughout the report when these costs were referenced.


On page 384 under the Heads of Terms in relation to point I and the Youth Centre.  There was an additional requirement given on-going negotiations with the applicant; therefore the following amendment was added to point I:


“Should there be an increase in residential floorspace in the future; a minimum of 35% affordable housing should be maintained on site with provision that the Youth Facility could be increased up to circa. 12,000 sq.ft in floorspace; if not delivered payment in lieu of up to £8,000,000 to be made”.


On page 384, Point H, under the Heads of Terms: A financial contribution towards Employment and Training initiatives to be agreed and no less than £250,000.  


The Committee heard a representation in support of the application from the agent. Some of the points raised included: the developer had worked in close partnership with the Council and the proposals had evolved over the past three years. The proposal would create 1,843 additional homes, 35% of which would be affordable. It was anticipated that 40% of the affordable homes would be low cost rental accommodation. Should the proposal be approved, it would result in a £90 million Community Infrastructure Levey payment to the Authority which would benefit the local community. The proposal incorporated a youth centre and food bank, the refurbishment of four buildings and significant employment and training opportunities.


During the course of discussions, the Committee explored a number of issues including: access to the war memorials during the construction phases and the impact of the proposal on the listed building and highways. The Committee specifically asked whether the sums mentioned in the Heads of Terms would be index linked and what scope there was within the Heads of Terms to reallocate S106 monies should the food bank not be required. Further topics included: how the public and private amenity space would operate in practice.


Points were raised about the noise and disruption caused during the construction phases and the when the tranches of affordable housing would be delivered within the overall project. The Committee also asked about local infrastructure impacts and specifically when funding towards the Imperial Wharf station would be made available.


The Committee voted on application  2018/02100/COMB and whether to agree the officer recommendation of approval and the changes set out in the addendum. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:


For: 5

Against: 3

Not Voting: 0




Planning Application 2018/02100/COMB be approved for the reasons set out in the report, the changes to the Heads of Terms (as set out above) and addendum as follows:


1) Subject to there being no contrary direction from the Mayor for London that the Committee resolve that the Strategic Director for Growth and Place be authorised to determine the application and grant permission upon the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement and subject to the conditions listed below;


2) To authorise the Strategic Director for Growth and Place after consultation with the Director of Law and the Chair of the Planning and Development Control Committee to make any minor changes to the proposed conditions or heads of terms of the legal agreement, any such changes shall be within their discretion.