Agenda item

4-5 Sotheron Place, London, SW6 2EJ


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which made minor changes to the report.


Councillor Alex Karmel declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of 4-5 Sotheron Place as his daughter had attended a birthday party at the climbing centre.


The Committee heard a representation in objection to the application from a Planning representative, speaking on behalf of local residents. Some of the points raised included: A report submitted by Quadrant Planning in objection to the scheme had not been included in the objections section of the officer report. The scale and massing of the proposal was excessive, and should it be approved, it would undermine the setting of the Moore Park Conservation Area.  Block B would be harmful to neighbour amenity and include a loss of outlook, sunlight and daylight. The commercial floor space windows were openable and these raised privacy concerns. There was insufficient residential and commercial car parking which would cause local parking pressures.


The Committee heard a representation in support of the application from the Agent. Some of the points raised included: The Applicant had undertaken an extensive dialogue with residents over a two-year period. The proposal would enhance the visual amenity of the local area. The height had been reduced, the design revised and a new façade had been submitted.  The proposal offered 36% affordable housing and was a mixed-use scheme. The proposal would provide new employment opportunities in the local area. The design was sympathetic to local residents and amenity and privacy were achieved. Daylight and sunlight studies had been conducted and although there would be some overshadowing to some gardens, these were within parameters and were acceptable in planning terms.


During discussions, the Committee explored a number of issues including the omission of the Quadrant report, the transition elements of the design and its scale and overlooking.  The daylight and sunlight impact of the design as well as the levels of affordable housing which were achieved. Further concerns included: Its failure to meet the co² target, the lack of social housing within the scheme, the ability to open windows and the lack of glazed fenestration to the commercial space.


Referencing the Quadrant report, Councillor Alex Karmel proposed that windows within the commercial space should be glazed and remain shut at all times. This was seconded by Councillor Matt Thorley.


The Committee voted on application 2018/01598/FUL and whether to agree the officer recommendation of approval and the changes set out in the addendum. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:






Not Voting:



The Committee voted on a motion to refuse the application. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:






Not Voting:



            RESOLVED THAT:


Planning Application 2018/01598/FUL be refused for the following reasons:

  • The proposed tenure mix of affordable housing is unsatisfactory as it includes no affordable rent.
  • The scale and the massing of the proposal has an un-neighbourly outlook impact on Cambria Street
  • Adverse daylight and sunlight impacts.
  • Noise and disturbance caused to residents from the proposed walkways facing Cambria Street




Supporting documents: