Agenda item

Corporate Health and Safety Compliance Oversight Report - December 2017 to July 2018

This report provides an overview of the performance of the organisation to comply with its health and safety duties.


Richard Buckley (Head of Environmental Health) presented the report that provided an overview of the performance of the organisation to comply with its health and safety duties in law for the period December 2017 to July 2018. He highlighted the expanded audit programme in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire – including compliance work on housing placements for vulnerable adults, and audit of lifts, fire risk assessments, and the use of fire wardens in tower blocks. Richard Buckley noted that there had been a welcome fall in the number of accidents and incidents across the organisation – though there was still a lot of work to do.


The Chair noted an issue that had been raised before by the Committee around how information about violent or threatening individuals was shared between services. Recently, an individual who had been temporarily banned from the Town Hall due to threatening behaviour towards staff had been invited to a public meeting by the website communications team. Richard Buckley said there was a corporate system in place to share information but GDPR requirements had made the process of logging issues more complicated. This area was on the audit programme for a review of systems across the organisation.


The Chair noted that in other organisations it had been reported that GDPR had meant staff weren't being frank about the danger of individuals because they know those people have a right to see what's written about them. Richard Buckley said he would take this away and consider as part of the systems review.


Councillor Alex Karmel asked for clarification of the issues with Linford Christie stadium noted in 5.4 of the report. Richard Buckley said they related to high legionella counts at the facility due to the size of the water tank and how well used they were. While those issues were being resolved there would be regular testing and monitoring of the water. He added that a new Assistant Director was now in place with responsibility for this area of work and they had produced a detailed report which was currently being actioned.


Councillor Alex Karmel asked if the updated alarm system at the mortuary would present problems with access for undertakers. Richard Buckley assured members that the alarm system wouldn't disrupt access.


Councillor Rebecca Harvey, in reference to 5.2 of the report, asked if the Committee was the place to raise the issue of Hammersmith Bridge's surface being unsafe for cyclists. Richard Buckley said the report was referring to the training and equipment used by contractors doing works on the bridge – but he would raise the cyclist safety issue with highways colleagues.


Councillor Jonathan Caleb-Landy, in reference to 5.2, asked if the Council was logging common complaints about contractors and if they were fed into the audit process. Richard Buckley said, in the case of this report, officers had looked at KPIs in the contract relating to health and safety, and accident and incident stats.


Councillor Rebecca Harvey, in reference to 5.3, asked how officers carried out the carbon monoxide checks in foster carers homes. Richard Buckley noted that this area was more about process, ensuring that staff had done the required checks and validated the required training. Steve Miley (Director for Children's Services) informed members that all foster carers were subject to an annual review and health and safety in their homes formed a part of this review.


Councillor Matt Thorley, in reference to 3BM performance in 5.2, asked for some examples of weaknesses and what measures were put in place. Richard Buckley replied that officers had checked a major school development project that 3BM were working on and the health and safety processes on site were 'perfect' - but some of their internal processes within their own organisation needed improving. Officers met with them to advise them and now they have the necessary policies and procedures in place.


Councillor Matt Thorley asked for a progress update on the libraries premises management issues mentioned in the report. Richard Buckley advised that this linked to the Amey contract exit negotiations. The general issue related to not having the necessary paperwork on-site and officers were working to resolve this now.


The Chair asked if there was a risk of Amey 'taking their eye off the ball' as the contract wrapped up. Richard Buckley said this was inevitable and so external consultants had been brought in to ensure continuity. Simon Davis (Assistant Director for Procurement and Contracts) added that officers had been doing a lot of work to improve compliance in this area – reviewing all assets across the estate, completing condition surveys, and ensuring all certification was in place. Compliance, from a low base last year, had been brought up to 82.6 percent today. Officers were now working to close that gap and get compliance up close to 100 percent.


Councillor Alex Karmel, on housing, asked for examples of current health and safety works in progress at Lannoy Point and Hartopp Point. David McNulty (Assistant Director of Operations, Growth & Place) informed the Committee that experts were currently reviewing the structure and planning the necessary internal works. Fire Wardens were in place to safeguard residents until works are completed.


Councillor Karmel asked what the current number of Fire Wardens was. David McNulty said they were using the 'Waking Watch' standard that required a warden to be placed on every other floor and additional roving wardens. At any one time there would be 20 wardens across the two blocks with two 12 hour shifts per day. The Charecroft and Edward Woods estates had seven wardens on site.


Councillor Matt Thorley asked if the new alarm systems meant that the number of wardens would be reduced. And if there were currently any plans for further works? David McNulty said the number of wardens would be reviewed once the alarms reached a certain level of coverage within the buildings. And there were no plans for further works at this time. A structural survey was currently being completed by Arup and their report was scheduled to be completed later this year. The alarm systems in Hartopp Point and Lannoy Point would also be completed later this year.


Councillor Thorley asked what works were being done at the Charecroft estate. David McNulty said works on the panelling were being planned this year and work on site would commence next year. Regarding the Edward Woods estate, David McNulty said he would have to check the capital work timelines and would send the information to members by email.


ACTION: David McNulty


Councillor Matt Thorley noted his concern for H&F's librarians who had reported the highest number of incidents and accidents. Richard Buckley explained that this was a common issue – libraries being an open, frontline service often had to deal with challenging individuals and incidents were unfortunately common. The Chair noted that this issue had been covered in greater depth in a previous report and asked that it be circulated to the Committee for information.

ACTION: David Abbott


The Chair asked that, in future, health and safety reports included a more detailed breakdown of the types of incidents and accidents that were being reported on.

ACTION: Richard Buckley



The Committee noted the report.

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