Agenda item

Managers Report

The Committee is asked to note all matters in this report.   


HS2 Bill – Proposed Wetland Mitigation Legal Agreement

Richard Gill provided an overview and noted that a Project Initiation Document (PID) had been completed with agreement of HS2. The PID outlined a planned direction for the AEM project and was included in the agenda pack for information and comment. It was a reference document for stakeholders which outlined the motivation, objectives, benefits, and costs of the project. The PID would be agreed by the project board and would be adapted if required to respond to further issues and opportunities. The aim was to appoint consultants in January 2019 to design the AEM proposals. The consultants would produce detailed draft proposals to be approved by HS2 before a specification was developed and agreed.



HS2 Bill – Re-Routing Stamford Brook Sewer Legal Agreement

Richard Gill said that the location of the boreholes was agreed and works had been completed. A meeting would be held with HS2 to conclude the final details of the route and an update would be provided once this was confirmed. The works for the re-route of the sewer were planned for the summer of 2019.


OPDC Draft Local Plan

Richard Gill provided an update and noted that Draft Local Plan could be viewed on


The OPDC carried out 2 rounds of regulation 19, public consultation on their Draft Local Plan. The first round was carried out in June to September 2017. The Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust made representations which were considered by the OPDC in reviewing and redrafting their draft plan. A further regulation 19 consultation ran from 14 June to 30 July.


Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA)

Mahmood Siddiqi explained that the license for KAA had been renewed for another year, however the school had returned to their main site in North Kensington in September 2018. They intended to rent the site for a further year in case there were any concerns with the RBKC site and needed to decant at short notice. In addition, they also wished to rent the 6 car park spaces on site for a further year. The Chair noted that he was happy for the rental of the school to commence for a further year.


Community Safety Update

Officers provided an overview and noted that from 1 June 2018 Parks Police had carried out 67 patrols on the Scrubs and attended 16 incidents. Two fixed penalties had been issued to ‘professional’ dog walkers for breaches of the PSPO (dog control).


The Chair highlighted that there were some concerns relating to a Husky dog climbing into the enclosure and chasing the horses located in the Pony Centre. He noted that further action needed to be taken and requested that officers and parks police worked together to resolve this issue as the owner of the dog had not been receptive.




Action: Mahmood Siddiqi


Grounds Maintenance and Site Management Update

Ian Ross noted that in general there had been no issues, however litter continued to be the biggest challenge on the Scrubs but some progress was being made. In addition, Idverde had undertaken a number of unannounced checks over the summer and as a result had caught teams playing without booking. These were being followed up and addressed.


On 4 September officers and Idverde had a walkabout with Councillor Harcourt to investigate many points. He added that litter in copses needed addressing, however this was difficult due to the density of the trees. Some bins through the course of time were now within copses, these would need to be relocated so they were usable.


The Chair noted that during the walkabout he noticed that an area of the Scrubs was being used as a toilet and officers needed to review how this could be managed better going forward. He also said that the site management contract was due for renewal and asked officers to present a summary of options at the next Committee meeting.



Officers noted that in the last quarter there had only been one event at the Scrubs. There were a few concerns over the post-event clear up but these were minor and dealt with promptly. In addition, there were no events planned for the coming quarter.


London Institute of Medical Sciences Building Project

Note: This item was discussed in conjunction with Item 5. Please see item 5 for further information.


Officers noted that the London Institute of Medical Sciences and the Medical Research Council proposed to construct a major research facility on the Hammersmith Hospital campus in Du Cane Road. A number of options were presented for consideration at the Committee meeting for accessing the site during the construction.


Financial 2018/19

Christina Cato provided an overview and noted that the budget for 2018/19 was set with an anticipated surplus of £19,354 to be added to the Trust’s reserves. The forecast for 2018/19 was for a surplus of £186,852 which was £167,498 better than budget. The Hammersmith Hospital car park income had been estimated at £336,109, the same as quarter 1. The temporary relocation of KAA on the Scrubs site had been extended to July 2019. This had increased the income forecast by £201,022. As at quarter 1, annual rental from UKPN for occupation was £3,446 and from electrical vehicle charging points was £9,000. Profit sharing although contractual had not been included due to uncertainty.


Legal Comments

There were no legal implications to be noted.



That the Committee noted all matters in this report


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