Agenda item

The Family Support Service

This report provides information about the new Family Support service. Founded on?1 April 2018 as an independent Local Authority Trading Company,?Family Support was created to support all Hammersmith & Fulham families so?they can access the right help and support faster.


Peter Watt, Managing Director - Family Support Services Limited gave a presentation on the vision, underpinning beliefs, values and activities of Family Support. The service was launched on 1st April 2018 with over 80 staff transferred over from the Council. On the 1st of April 2019 another 60 staff would transfer over from the NHS.


Family Support provides services to all children and young people aged 0-19, and to age 25 for those with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), and their families living in the Borough.   The key aims are to deliver a less fragmented service as experienced by families; to allow staff to innovate and be creative and to save money by flattening management, sharing back-office and removing duplications.


He stressed that it is vital that in doing this that the service is underpinned by evidence of what works.  So at the heart of all that they do is understanding the impact of brain development on the outcomes for children.  The Committee watched an educational video made by the internationally renowned Alberta Family Wellness Initiative about the impact of social context in how children’s brains development.  It noted the impact of toxic stress on children’s brain development and the key role that adults have in mitigating this. The meeting was informed of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) study which showed a direct correlation between the number of ACES experienced by a child and their later physical and mental health and economic success. 


Committee questions and discussion


Councillor Richardson commended the use of brain awareness in the development of children. She asked whether Family Support was aware of local pockets of knowledge within the borough. Peter Watt stated that they were, for instance, Flora Gardens has a local nurse who already uses this. Family Support will explore and work with existing local sources of excellence.


Councillor Loveday believed the presentation did not provide the committee with any background, structure of the service nor was it a business plan. Peter agreed as this was not the intention of the presentation.  Peter explained that Family Support provides early help provision, early years and children’s centres but not SEND.  83 staff were TUPEd over on the 1st April 2018.  50 - 60 NHS staff would TUPE over on 1st April 2019.  Family Support is 100% owned by the Council.  An initial contract for 1 year has been awarded to allow the company to establish itself with the option of a further two one year extensions before being awarded a five year contract.  Family Support is currently establishing baseline data across the services to understand what more services need prioritising to do.


Peter said that the aim of the presentation was to raise awareness of the Family Supports vision and the council’s ambition in establishing it.   A detailed business plan containing the governance arrangements will be considered by the Family Support Board in mid September. Once the business plan has been agreed, it would be presented to the council.


Steve Miley noted that this was significant development to create a vehicle which will bring together a previously fragmented service.


Councillor Loveday request that the Committee should have some input into the benchmarks set.  Nandini Ganesh inquired what Family Support was going to deliver as the presentation did not provide the committee with information about specific service delivery. Peter reiterated that Family Support will continue to provide family support workers, children centres and early year workers in the nursery sector.  The ambition of the services was not to cut services but be more joined up and involve more organisations.


In response to Nadia Taylor’s question about Family Supports funding strategy, the meeting was informed that Family Supports core services are currently 100% funded by the council.  Additional income is being generated by providing top up services for some local authority and private schools.  The money received will be spent in a more efficient way and provide better value for the tax payers.  Family Support will save the council money in the long term.  Plans are in place to explore the securing of a joint venture partner in the future.


Councillor Siddique inquired what about the service’s budget, advertising the services, how many languages are provided and how many families benefit from the language service.  The meeting noted that the current budget was £7 million raising to £10 million from 1st April 2019.  The provision of translators locally has been found to be poor by an inspection of Family Support services. This is an area the service must improve upon.  The information page on the digital services provides information in 9 languages.  Family Support is currently working with over 600 families.  Regarding advertising, the service has adopted a low-key advertising strategy. It is currently promoting the digital services.  There will be a more public launch when the health visitors and school nurses service transfers over in April 2019.  Currently, 3 GPs are working as advocates. The Integrated Care Partnership is also keen to work with Family Support. This would allow us to provide a more seamless service between primary health and Family Support services.


Eleanor Allen requested an explanation on the difference between Sure Start Centres and Children Centres.  There are real similarities.  However, SureStart services were to a significant extent building based and focused on young children.  Family Support run children centres but overall its services are for children between 0 – 19 years, not dependent on building location and provide targeted and universal services.


The Chair thanked Peter for attending the meeting and requested that more details about the service should be submitted to a future meeting. 


Action by – Peter Watt


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