Agenda item

Risk Management Update Report

This report provides an update on risk management within the Council, and presents the Corporate Risk Register for consideration.


Michael Sloniowski (Risk Manager) introduced the report that provided an update on risk management within the Council, and presented the Corporate Risk Register for consideration. He noted that the Council took risk very seriously and it was a top priority for the Council’s Senior Leadership Team. The Committee had previously made recommendations to track risks and compare them over time – and compare ourselves with similar London boroughs. The Committee had also asked officers to look at business continuity, disaster management, and supply chain risks in more detail. These elements were discussed in the report.


Councillor Alex Karmel asked for clarification of the Committee’s remit – was it responsible specifically for corporate risk or risk more generally. Officers said the Committee had oversight of both, although traditionally it was the corporate risk register that came before members. In future officers would look at bringing community risks to the Committee as well.


The Chair asked why Risk 11 focussed solely on the West Kensington Estate and not housing estates in general (page 299). He also asked for more detail on Paragraph 4.4.15 and the figure of just 25 percent compliance. Simon Davies explained that the figure of 25 percent compliance was a combined figure – but it was partly a data quality issue. Work had often been completed but wasn’t recorded. The expectation was that compliance would be in the high 80s. A work plan was being produced to close that gap further.


Michael Sloniowski replied that officers were looking closely at contractual arrangements with the facilities management contractor to improve compliance on around estates. Simon Davies added that the Council was currently in negotiations with the contractor due to inadequate performance. As part of the work to support negotiations, officers had carried out an extensive compliance audit across all assets – looking at fire risk, asbestos, water etc. Officers expected to have a full picture of the Council’s position by the end of July.


The Chair asked, of the various compliance risks, which was the most urgent. Simon Davis said water was a key concern due to the possibility of Legionella outbreaks. Officers have been going through the checks and had put management action plans in place.


David McNulty (Assistant Director, Operations – Growth & Place) addressed the Committee and informed members that in Housing, fire risk assessment compliance was 100 percent. The fire risk assessments for blocks of six stories and above had been published on the Council’s website. The Council remains compliant with regards to Gas and Asbestos however as noted in the report there are some issues with the principal contractor which are being raised through contract mechanisms.


Councillor Rebecca Harvey asked for more detail on Risks 22 and 23 that related to the numbers of looked after children and high needs budget pressures.Steve Miley said these risks had emerged over the past few years and all councils were seeing increases. On the high needs block (the money the Council spent on children with additional needs) officers were looking at ways to reduce expenditure where possible but not impact on schools. There were options around using the school estate that were being developed with colleagues from the regeneration team.


Councillor Asif Siddique asked if there was a comparison of risks over the years. Michael Sloniowski said the Council had only started to monitor trends 24 months ago – but going forward officers would look at longer-term trends.


Councillor Asif Siddique asked if risk management was all handled internally or by an independent service. Michael Sloniowski said currently it was internal as that was more cost-effective method of delivery but the Council was thinking about resilience and considering a new software system for the Business Continuity requirements of the Council. The decision, due to be taken soon, would be communicated to the Committee. Kim Dero (Chief Executive) added that the organisation’s approach to risk and audit had changed in the past year. The Senior Leadership Team had a monthly risk assurance meeting now, reporting has been improved, and accountability is much higher.



1.    That the Committee noted the contents of this report;

2.    That the Committee reviewed and considered the contents of the Corporate Risk Register.

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