Agenda item

Planning Applications


3i         Olympia Multistorey Car Park Maclise Road, Avonmore And Brook

Green 2018/00745/FUL


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which made minor changes to the report.


Officers provided a joint presentation which covered both applications.


The Committee heard a representation in support of the application from the applicant. Some of the points raised included: The proposal would provide an innovative dining experience, with three restaurants providing fresh and seasonal cuisine. The application was for a temporary use of the site for a few years. The concept was proven, as successful restaurants had been run in the past at the former BBC site and in West Brompton. These applications had not caused concern and had been granted under delegated authority. Background music only would be played at the site.

Referring to the foot of page 1 of the Addendum, Councillor Karmel proposed that ‘Page 7 – Delete condition 23’ be deleted and replaced with ‘delete condition 7’. This was seconded by the Committee.


During the course of discussions, the Committee explored a number of issues which included whether Historic England had commented on the application, refuse storage, waste collections and the potential for noise nuisance. Further topics included the impact on existing car parking arrangements, local parking stress and how the proposed smoking area might impact on local residents. Officers confirmed that the venue had a 500-person capacity and it was anticipated that patrons would come and go throughout the day, thereby ensuring 500 persons would not leave the site at once.


The Committee voted on application 2018/00745/FULand whether to agree the officer recommendations set out in the report and amendment to the addendum. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:






Not Voting:





That application2018/00745/FULbe approved.




3ii        Olympia Multistorey Car Park Maclise Road, Avonmore And Brook

Green 2018/00746/LBC


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which amended the report.


The Committee voted on application 2018/00746/LBC and whether to agree the officer recommendations set out in the report and amendment to the addendum. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:






Not Voting:





That application2018/00746/LBCbe approved.





3iii.      Land at 62 Ravenscourt Road, Ravenscourt ParkTPO/413


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which amended the report.


The Committee heard representations in objection to the application from two local residents. Some of the points raised included: The homeowner had lived at the property for 30 years and over that time had spent a considerable sum maintaining the tree. The tree was now causing severe structural damage to her property. A survey report commissioned by the homeowner had not been included in the officer report despite the assurances of her ward Councillor. The tree was diseased before the TPO status was awarded to the tree which had been omitted from the officer report. The tree was causing overshadowing and denying close neighbours right to light. The tree did not have high amenity value as it was situated next to Council garages. The diseased tree was leaning and posed a danger to property and people should its limbs break and fall. The TPO should not be confirmed.


In the course of discussions, the Committee examined a number of issues. These included why the tree was purported to have high amenity value, whether officers had considered the survey report commissioned by the homeowner and what the implications were, should the TPO be confirmed. Further points which were discussed included the timescales associated with the TPO and whether the homeowner was entitled to make an application to the Authority for the tree to be felled.


The Committee voted on application Ravenscourt ParkTPO/413, whether to agree the officer recommendation set out in the report and amendments in the addendum.This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:






Not Voting:





That Tree Preservation Order T413/02/18 be confirmed without modification.






Supporting documents: