Agenda item

Fulham Football Club Stevenage Road London SW6 6HH Road, Palace Riverside 2017/04662/FUL


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which amended the report.


Councillor Alex Karmel declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Fulham Football Club. As a local resident he had received free tickets to a match at Craven Cottage. He remained in the meeting, participated and voted on the item.


Introducing the report, officers confirmed that three late letters of objection had been received from local residents. Officers explained that the Port of London Authority had withdrawn their objection and it was likely, that should the application be approved, a river licence would be granted.


The Committee heard representations in objection to the application from three local residents. Some of the points raised included: The officer report was misleading and the effect the proposal would have on prevailing wind conditions was significant. Should the application be approved, it would prove extremely difficult to sail past the stadium. Contrary to the officer understanding, the Port of London Authority hoped the application was refused. The proposal would result in 200 day activities days throughout the year which would be disruptive to local residents. The riverside walk would be closed on match days and on the event days which meant it would be closed to residents for the majority of the time. The proposal would result in increased noise and disruption and affect the local park.


The Committee heard a representation in support from the Applicant. Some of the points raised included: The football ground was part of the fabric of the local area. During the consultation phase, 95% of respondents had stated that they wished the Club to remain at Craven Cottage. The Club had ambitions for promotion and expansion / commercial development was necessary. The Club was keen to create a destination and waterfront front attraction which could be enjoyed by supporters and local residents. The current proposal was different to the one which was submitted in 2013 and had less impact on local wind conditions. The proposed riverside walkway would enhance and connect the Thames Path. The Club accepted the proposal would affect local residents  and park users and was committed to taking mitigating actions through s106 contributions.


Councillor Donald Johnson spoke as a ward Councillor. Some of the points raised included: The non match day commercial activity proposals had been submitted at the latest possible opportunity. Up to 200 events for up to 5,000 people would have a detrimental effect on the local area. He had attended one of the Clubs consultation events on 19 December 2017 and had been informed that there were no significant plans for commercial events. The Saudi Super Cup in 2014 was cited as an example of a poorly managed commercial event and how this could have a negative impact on local residents. Further concerns were raised about traffic impacts and the effect on blue light response times and the impact on Bishops Park. Closing his remarks, he stated that the riverside walk should remain open and that ideally, the application should be deferred for further consultation including the transport management plan.


The Committee considered the commercial proposals and the 200 events per year which were anticipated. Concerns were expressed regarding the closure of the riverside path during these private events and it was proposed that the riverside path only be closed during match days. This was agreed. In addition concerns were raised regarding the potential level of disruption to local residents and in particular widespread use of taxis to attend events. In response, officers confirmed that although the maximum attendance at an event was 5,000, the majority of events would be for 500 persons only.  The committee noted that during the construction phase, part of Bishops Park would remain closed to the public for up to 32 months. Further topics that were discussed included the closure of the river walk on match and activity days, the need to maintain a historic club, cycle routes /  transport links, the effect of the proposal on car parking locally and the design proposals.


In the course of discussions, Councillor Iain Cassidy proposed that the review of parking zones include zones T and W as well as X and  Y. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Colin Aherne. The Chair, Councillor Adam Connell, proposed a limitation on the number of large scale events which could be held in Bishops Park to 10 per year. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Alex Karmel and was agreed.


The Committee considered the possible effects of the proposal on prevailing wind conditions and officers explained that having reviewed the data supplied by an independent expert, the Port of London Authority had decided to withdraw their objections. Members also explored the use of the commercial space  and whether noise restrictions could be imposed. Councillor Alex Karmel proposed that delegated authority be granted to officers to word an appropriate noise condition, limiting the decibels at the stadium during commercial activities. This was seconded by Councillor Lucy Ivimy.


Members discussed the pace trails across Bishops Park stemming from the proposed large scale events and how these were set to worsen over time. Councillor Karmel proposed that the Head of Terms of the s106 Agreement be amended to include a review of the condition of Bishops Park after 10 years then a payment made if required. Further assessments were discussed to take place every 10 years to determine whether ongoing maintenance was still required and further monies paid. This was seconded by Councillor Lucy Ivimy and was agreed.


The Committee voted on application 2017/04662/FUL and whether to agree the officer recommendations set out in the report, addendum and the following changes: the motion to include T and W and X and Y in the review of parking zones, only permitting the closure of the riverside path on matchdays, amending the Head of Terms to review the mitigation measures to Bishops Park arising from the s106 to every 10 years and for Officers to draft a condition relating to noise arising from special / commercial events. This was put to the vote and the result was as follows:






Not Voting:





That application 2017/04662/FULbe approved:


1) Subject to there being no contrary direction from the Mayor for London; that the Committee resolve that the Director of Planning and Development be

authorised to determine the application and grant planning permission upon the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement and subject to the planning

conditions listed.


2) To authorise the Director for Regeneration, Planning & Housing Services in consultation with the Director of Law and the Chair of the Planning and

Development Control Committee to make any minor changes to the proposed conditions or heads of terms of the legal agreement. Any such changes shall be within their discretion.