Agenda item

Petition : H&F Children's Centres

To follow.


In order to ensure the smooth running of the meeting, the Deputy Leader announced that Members will hear the Petitions and Deputation before the related item.  The Reconfiguration of Sure Start Children's Centres Network report would be considered first and thereafter the Property Disposals Programme item.  All other reports will be considered in the order on the agenda.


Children’s Centre Petition


Cabinet received a petition from some parents and carers of children who attend children centres across the Borough opposing the “Spoke and Hub” model and the restructuring of Early Intervention Services.


Kate Aubrey-Johnson supported by Christy Turner addressed Cabinet expressing concern about the future of this service.  They believed the impact of the changes would be devastating on many families putting families at risk. She was of the view that the proposed new budgets of £19,000 for spoke centres would not cover the heating, lighting or repair costs for the buildings.  There would be no funding leftover for play equipment, supplies or staff salaries.  Regular staffing contact with families was important to support the most vulnerable families. She noted that some governing bodies had not supported the project because of the financial viability particularly the cost of safeguarding children.  She felt that the consultation had not considered the impact of the decision on all groups particularly the Little Cricket group which support deaf children.  She requested that the decision be delayed and the Council work with the Centre Managers and staff to develop alternative viable proposals.


Councillor Phibbs inquired why £19,000 was insufficient to cover a centre’s operating cost and if fees were introduced what would be an indicative acceptable level of charges.  Councillor Binmore informed the meeting that the Council had used the  building running cost of the largest Council run building (Cathnor Park) to calculate the costs.  In response, Kate Aubrey Johnson felt this did not take into account staffing cost which could amount up to £40,000.  A £3.00 per visit charge would be prohibitive for some parents.  She accepted that it would be great if Vanessa Nursery agreed to manage Wendell Park Centre.  Councillor Phibbs expressed the view that setting up centres as charities could help generate extra income and attract more volunteers to help with the running of Centres.  Councillor Cowan was of the view that a fee based service would remove that universal benefit of the service and asked how would the staff funding be addressed.  It was noted that centres cannot be run only by volunteers, experienced professional staff were also required.  A £1 levy would not have an impact on the service universality.  Councillor Murphy asked the petitioners’ view on whether it was more beneficial to invest in children’s services than pay off council debt.  In response, it was  acknowledged that the Council’s resources faced competing demands.  For every £1 spent now, the Council would save £10 in the future.  Finally, it was acknowledged that the Council had supported the deaf community in the past. Councillor Binmore stated that she didn’t see any reason why the Little Crickets would  not continue to be supported in the future.


In moving the recommendation, Councillor Binmore stated that the Council was committed to Sure Start and was not proposing to lose any centres.  The alternative funding proposals to cut the funding across the board was not feasible as it would hit the most vulnerable the hardest.  The proposal will ensure that the most vulnerable families will still have access to the full range of services across the borough.  In response to comments from the consultation, parents will be able to use any of the centres in the Borough.  The Council will  fund a Development Coordinator post for 12 months to help the spoke and satellite centres develop their offer and business model.  Centres can choose their relationship with hubs, whether to be a satellite or spoke, resulting in potential economies of scale.  She noted that Vanessa Nursery had drawn up a full timetable to run a wide range of activities.  The new leases granted would also allow centres to generate new income streams to support their activities.


Cabinet thanked Kate Aubrey-Johnson and Christy Turner Johnson for taking their time to attend the meeting.  The Deputy Leader noted that their comments will be taken into account during the discussion of the report.




That officers write to the petition organiser setting out its views about the request in the petition.


Supporting documents: