Agenda item

Special Motion 7 - Women's Suffrage


10.09pm – Councillor Lucy Ivimy moved, seconded by Councillor Adronie Alford, the special motion in their names:


“This Council notes:

1.    The passage of the Representation of the People Act 1918 on 6 February 1918 with cross party support. The 1918 Act enabled the enfranchisement of women, permitting them to vote in local and national elections and to stand for election to Parliament for the first time.

2.    The centenary of this great land mark in our democracy.

3.    The involvement of local women in the war effort during the Great War of 1914 – 1918, especially as much of the work was hazardous and dangerous. This significant contribution to the nation underscored the value of women to the nation’s wellbeing, easing the path to women suffrage.

4.    The contribution of Hammersmith and Fulham public figures at the forefront of the women’s suffrage movement, including Mary Lowndes who established The Artists' Suffrage League in 1907.


This Council resolves that in the centenary of women’s suffrage we commit to ensuring that the sacrifices and achievements of those local heroines and heroes who fought for equal suffrage are remembered and celebrated in our borough, in our schools and across our community.”


Under Standing Order 15(e) 6, Councillor Sue Fennimore moved, seconded by Councillor Caroline Needham, an amendment to the special motion:


“Delete everything after ‘This council notes’ and replace it with...

1.    The Representation of the People’s act granted the vote to women in 1918 (not 1908) who were over the age of 30 and who owned property.

2.    It was not until 1928 before women were given the same full equal voting rights as men.

3.    Women in 2018 still do not enjoy equal pay, equal access and equal rights and still find themselves having to campaign to achieve this.

4.    Across the world, women are fighting for justice and equality.


This Council recognises the enormous sacrifices of all those who fought for equal suffrage and will champion everything that they achieved, whenever and wherever it can.


It recognises that there is still a long way to go before we genuinely achieve true equality and it commits to doing all that it can to ensure that this is achieved.


It commits to continuing to celebrate “International Women’s Day” as it has done since 2014.


It also commits to supporting the equal rights of women, including campaigns such as “End Period Poverty” and “End the Pay Gap” and calls on the Government to take action and put forward an agenda of legislation that will eradicate gender inequality from our society.”


The amendment was then put to the vote:


FOR                            Unanimous

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


The special motion as amended was then put to the vote:


FOR                            Unanimous

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The motion as amended was declared CARRIED.


10.08pm – RESOLVED


‘This Council notes:

1.    The Representation of the People’s act granted the vote to women in 1918 (not 1908) who were over the age of 30 and who owned property.

2.    It was not until 1928 before women were given the same full equal voting rights as men.

3.    Women in 2018 still do not enjoy equal pay, equal access and equal rights and still find themselves having to campaign to achieve this.

4.    Across the world, women are fighting for justice and equality.


This Council recognises the enormous sacrifices of all those who fought for equal suffrage and will champion everything that they achieved, whenever and wherever it can.


It recognises that there is still a long way to go before we genuinely achieve true equality and it commits to doing all that it can to ensure that this is achieved.


It commits to continuing to celebrate “International Women’s Day” as it has done since 2014.


It also commits to supporting the equal rights of women, including campaigns such as “End Period Poverty” and “End the Pay Gap” and calls on the Government to take action and put forward an agenda of legislation that will eradicate gender inequality from our society.

Supporting documents: