Agenda item

Special Motion 6 - Cycle Superhighway 9


10.07pm – Councillor Joe Carlebach moved, seconded by Councillor Caroline Ffiske, the special motion in the names:


“This Council:

1.    Notes the Special Motion passed at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 October 2017 in relation to the proposals for Cycle Superhighway 9.

2.    Supports measures to reduce road congestion and pollution in Hammersmith & Fulham and to make cycling safer and healthier for all.

3.    Is very concerned that the proposed route for Cycle Superhighway 9 does not meet those objectives and believes the route will cause misery to residents in and around Ravenscourt Park, King Street, Brook Green, Hammersmith Road, Sinclair Road and its surrounds, Avonmore and Olympia.

4.    Is particularly concerned about the disproportionately negative impact the current proposals will have on elderly residents and residents with disabilities, and their ability to access and commute swiftly on local public transport.


This Council calls on the Mayor for London and the administration to:

1. Abandon the proposed route for Cycle Superhighway 9.

2. Re-examine alternative and better routes for Cycle Superhighway 9.

3. Explore alternative measures to improve cycling and to reduce congestion and air pollution for the benefit of all residents.

4. Engage in proper consultation with local businesses and residents.”


Under Standing Order 15(e) 6, Councillor Wesley Harcourt moved, seconded by Councillor David Morton, an amendment to the special motion:


“Delete all after “This Council “(1st paragraph), and insert the following,

·         Notes the previous administration left the north west of the borough without access to cycle hire schemes and had no plan for improving cycling infrastructure in the borough

·         Notes this administration launched Hammersmith & Fulham’s Council’s first ever cycling strategy in July 2015, which set out to increase cycling by women and children and to increase cycling in the borough from 5% to 8%.

·         Notes the aims within the Cycling Strategy to:

1.      Enhance and extend cycle routes to create a comprehensive network;

2.      Create more space for cycling to improve cycle safety;

3.      Reduce the dangers (and the perception of the dangers) of cycling and reduce conflicts, both between cyclists and motor vehicles and between cyclists and pedestrians; and

4.      Provide more cycle parking and cycle hire locations within the borough

·         Notes that this administration has introduced the East Acton Quietway, the Brackenbury parklet, increased the number of cycle parking stands and secure cycle parking lockers.

·         Notes this administration does things with residents not to them including:

1.      Introducing speaking rights for applicants and objectors at Planning Committee

2.      Setting up resident led Commissions on Airport Expansion, Air Quality, Biodiversity and others

3.      Giving a voice to residents in developing policy at PACs

·         This administration took the unprecedented step of extending the consultation period for CS9 to allow for further suggestions and comments from local residents and businesses

·         The council has already submitted concerns to TfL and will continue to do so as part of the extended consultation

·         The extended consultation is still live, including an agenda item at the next CSERS PAC on Monday 29th January 2018

·         Notes that the council, and not TfL, will make the final decision as to whether or not a proposal for a cycle superhighway, will go ahead


This Council therefore resolves that if the outcome of the consultation into CS9 is positive it will:


Work with residents, businesses and other stakeholders at each stage of the detailed design phase to ensure that any concerns are properly considered and dealt with in a way that is fair to drivers, safe for pedestrians and makes cycling safer and healthier.”


The amendment was then put to the vote:


FOR                            20

AGAINST                   16

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


The special motion as amended was then put to the vote:


FOR                            20

AGAINST                   16

NOT VOTING            0


The special motion as amended was declared CARRIED.


10.08pm – RESOLVED


This Council:

·         Notes the previous administration left the north west of the borough without access to cycle hire schemes and had no plan for improving cycling infrastructure in the borough

·         Notes this administration launched Hammersmith & Fulham’s Council’s first ever cycling strategy in July 2015, which set out to increase cycling by women and children and to increase cycling in the borough from 5% to 8%.

·         Notes the aims within the Cycling Strategy to:

1.      Enhance and extend cycle routes to create a comprehensive network;

2.      Create more space for cycling to improve cycle safety;

3.      Reduce the dangers (and the perception of the dangers) of cycling and reduce conflicts, both between cyclists and motor vehicles and between cyclists and pedestrians; and

4.      Provide more cycle parking and cycle hire locations within the borough

·         Notes that this administration has introduced the East Acton Quietway, the Brackenbury parklet, increased the number of cycle parking stands and secure cycle parking lockers.

·         Notes this administration does things with residents not to them including:

1.      Introducing speaking rights for applicants and objectors at Planning Committee

2.      Setting up resident led Commissions on Airport Expansion, Air Quality, Biodiversity and others

3.      Giving a voice to residents in developing policy at PACs

·         This administration took the unprecedented step of extending the consultation period for CS9 to allow for further suggestions and comments from local residents and businesses

·         The council has already submitted concerns to TfL and will continue to do so as part of the extended consultation

·         The extended consultation is still live, including an agenda item at the next CSERS PAC on Monday 29th January 2018

·         Notes that the council, and not TfL, will make the final decision as to whether or not a proposal for a cycle superhighway, will go ahead


This Council therefore resolves that if the outcome of the consultation into CS9 is positive it will:


Work with residents, businesses and other stakeholders at each stage of the detailed design phase to ensure that any concerns are properly considered and dealt with in a way that is fair to drivers, safe for pedestrians and makes cycling safer and healthier.

Supporting documents: