Agenda item

Special Motion 3 - New Sands End Arts and Community Centre


9.13pm – Councillor Ben Colemen moved, seconded by Councillor Sharon Holder, the special motion in their names:


“This Council welcomes the Labour administration’s scheme to build a new Sands End Arts and Community Centre. It recognises that this important new facility will provide new arts, cultural and community activities and will add to the wellbeing of residents and to civic life in Sands End.


The Council notes the stark contrast of this with the previous Conservative administration which closed the old Sands End Community Centre and sold it off to property speculators in the face of massive opposition from residents, including a 7,000-signature petition.


The Council is particularly grateful to the many residents who have helped with every stage of the development and design of the new Sands End Arts and Community Centre and welcomes the fact that the new centre will be run by local people for local people, with facilities and services chosen according to what they want.


The funding for this was negotiated by the Labour administration from Thames Tideway and Chelsea FC and we thank those organisations for their support.”


Councillors Ben Coleman and Sharon Holder gave speeches on the special motion (for the Administration).


Under Standing Order 15(e) 6, Councillor Steve Hamilton moved, seconded by Councillor Jacqueline Borland, an amendment to the special motion as follows:


“Delete all after: “This Council welcomes the”….


…and insert “scheme for new community facilities in South Park. The provision of community facilities were identified as an important part of the masterplan for South Park, which was developed in partnership with the Council and the Friends of South Park.


This Council is grateful to the many residents who have helped with the development and design of the new facilities. The Council is also thankful for the support from Thames Tideway, who are in part funding the scheme as part of the legacy requirements of their scheme.


This Council commits to complete the other areas of the masterplan for South Park, which have been delayed as the Council negotiated the community facilities. In particular, the Council agrees to resurface the paths, so that no more people are injured in the park.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Steve Hamilton and Jacqueline Borland (for the Opposition) – and Councillor Wesley Harcourt (for the Administration).


The amendment was then put to the vote:


FOR                            16

AGAINST                  21

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared LOST.


Councillor Ben Coleman then made a speech winding up the debate before the substantive motion was put to the vote:


FOR                            20

AGAINST                   16

NOT VOTING            0


The special motion as amended was declared CARRIED.


9.40pm – RESOLVED


This Council welcomes the Labour administration’s scheme to build a new Sands End Arts and Community Centre. It recognises that this important new facility will provide new arts, cultural and community activities and will add to the wellbeing of residents and to civic life in Sands End.


The Council notes the stark contrast of this with the previous Conservative administration which closed the old Sands End Community Centre and sold it off to property speculators in the face of massive opposition from residents, including a 7,000-signature petition.


The Council is particularly grateful to the many residents who have helped with every stage of the development and design of the new Sands End Arts and Community Centre and welcomes the fact that the new centre will be run by local people for local people, with facilities and services chosen according to what they want.


The funding for this was negotiated by the Labour administration from Thames Tideway and Chelsea FC and we thank those organisations for their support.

Supporting documents: