Agenda item

Special Motion 3 - International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Anti-Semitism


7.49pm – Councillor Joe Carlebach moved, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown, the special motion in their names:


“This Council expresses alarm at the rise in antisemitism in recent years across the UK including:

1.    Physical and verbal abuse directed at Jewish children and adults.

2.    Damage and wanton vandalism driven by race hate against Jewish schools, homes, community centres and places of worship.


This Council therefore welcomes the UK Government’s formal adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) guidelines on antisemitism.


This Council:

1.    Resolves to adopt the definition of antisemitism in full as set out by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

2.    Pledges to combat this pernicious form of racism wherever it manifests itself no matter where, how or when.

3.    Reaffirms its condemnation of all forms of racism and discrimination based on religious belief (including Islamophobia), disability, race, gender or sexual orientation.


Councillor Joe Carlebach gave a speech on the special motion (for the Opposition).


Under Standing Order 15(e) 6, Councillor Ben Coleman moved, seconded by Councillor Sue Fennimore, an amendment to the special motion as follows:


Delete everything after “Damage and wanton vandalism driven by race hate against Jewish schools, homes, community centres and places of worship” and substitute the following:


“This Council therefore:


1.            Condemns all forms of antisemitism whether on the right or the left of the political spectrum.


2.            Calls on political parties to expel any member engaging in antisemitism and to submit to the relevant authorities evidence of criminal offences involving antisemitism.


3.            Pledges to combat this pernicious form of racism wherever it manifests itself no matter where, how or when.


4.            Also notes the rise in Islamophobia and reaffirms its condemnation of all forms of racism and discrimination based on religious belief, disability, race, ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation.


5.            Welcomes the UK Government’s adoption in CM 9386 dated December 2016 of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, namely:


“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”.


6.            Reaffirms its commitment to act in accordance with its legal obligations under Article 10 (Freedom of expression), Article 14 (Prohibition of discrimination) and Article 17 (Prohibition of abuse of rights) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


Furthermore, the Council welcomes the actions of the Borough’s Labour administration which has, following its election victory in 2014, marked Holocaust Memorial Day with an event each year and has, since 2016, organised a Unity Day to “March Against Racism” in all its forms and pledges to continue with and to build on these important initiatives.


Furthermore, the Council welcomes the actions of the Borough’s Labour administration which has since its election victory in 2014:

·         Marked International Holocaust Memorial Day with events each year.

·         Has since 2016 organised a Unity Day to “March Against Racism”, hate crime, xenophobia and bigotry in all its forms.

·         Has also undertaken other actions to tackle hate and pledges to continue to strengthen its fight against all forms of hate and build on these important initiatives.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Ben Coleman, Sue Fennimore, Stephen Cowan, and Ali Hashem (for the Administration) – and Councillors Andrew Brown and Joe Carlebach (for the Opposition).


The amendment was then put to the vote:


FOR                            UNANIMOUS

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


Speeches on the special motion as amended were made by Councillor Andrew Brown (for the Opposition) – and Councillors Stephen Cowan and Sue Macmillan (for the Administration).


The special motion as amended was then put to the vote:


FOR                            UNANIMOUS

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The special motion as amended was declared CARRIED.


8.37pm – RESOLVED


This Council expresses alarm at the rise in antisemitism in recent years across the UK including:

1.    Physical and verbal abuse directed at Jewish children and adults.

2.    Damage and wanton vandalism driven by race hate against Jewish schools, homes, community centres and places of worship.


This Council therefore:

1.    Condemns all forms of antisemitism whether on the right or the left of the political spectrum.

2.    Calls on political parties to expel any member engaging in antisemitism and to submit to the relevant authorities evidence of criminal offences involving antisemitism.

3.    Pledges to combat this pernicious form of racism wherever it manifests itself no matter where, how or when.

4.    Also notes the rise in Islamophobia and reaffirms its condemnation of all forms of racism and discrimination based on religious belief, disability, race, ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation.

5.    Welcomes the UK Government’s adoption in CM 9386 dated December 2016 of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, namely:

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”.

6.    Reaffirms its commitment to act in accordance with its legal obligations under Article 10 (Freedom of expression), Article 14 (Prohibition of discrimination) and Article 17 (Prohibition of abuse of rights) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


Furthermore, the Council welcomes the actions of the Borough’s Labour administration which has, following its election victory in 2014, marked Holocaust Memorial Day with an event each year and has, since 2016, organised a Unity Day to “March Against Racism” in all its forms and pledges to continue with and to build on these important initiatives.


Furthermore, the Council welcomes the actions of the Borough’s Labour administration which has since its election victory in 2014:

·         Marked International Holocaust Memorial Day with events each year.

·         Has since 2016 organised a Unity Day to “March Against Racism”, hate crime, xenophobia and bigotry in all its forms.


Has also undertaken other actions to tackle hate and pledges to continue to strengthen its fight against all forms of hate and build on these important initiatives.

Supporting documents: