Agenda item

Special Motion 7 - Housing Safety


9.56pm – Councillor Harry Phibbs moved, seconded by Councillor Belinda Donovan, the special motion in their names:


1.   This Council reaffirms the commitment to the safety of tenants, leaseholders, residents and their families in its housing stock which lies at the heart of its public service provision.


2.    This Council notes:

a.    The ‘Limited Assurance’ audit report issued in July 2016 in respect of the Council’s Housing and Regeneration Department (“HRD”) Health and Safety Checks.

b.    The reports to Audit Pensions and Standards Committee of 13th September 2016, 7th December 2016, 13th March 2017 and 21st June 2017 relating to deficient and late implementation of health and safety checks and remedial works, which included gas safety, electrical installation, asbestos management, communal hot water tank chlorination and fire risk assessments.


3.    This Council welcomes:

a.    The action taken since the tragic events at Grenfell Tower to review fire risk assessments for the 15 council housing blocks of 12 storeys or more in the borough, including the Charecroft Estate and Edward Woods Estate.

b.    The similar action taken to identify any hazardous materials including cladding to housing stock.

c.    The fact that copies of fire risk assessments have been provided for all four tower blocks on the Charecroft Estate to Chris Took, the Tenants and Residents Association Chairman for that estate, but notes with dismay the deficiencies in those reports.


4.    This Council resolves to:

a.    Eliminate immediately the backlog of HRD health and safety checks and remedial works of all kinds identified by the reports to Audit Committee.   

b.    Install sprinkler systems in all blocks of Council flats.

c.    Set for a date for the removal of the hazardous panels to the Charecroft Estate.

d.    Set a date for fitting sprinklers in the Charecroft Estate as requested by residents of that estate.

e.    Publish immediately copies of fire risk assessments and other health and safety reports for all Council owned housing blocks in the borough on the Council’s website.


Councillor Harry Phibbs made a speech (for the Opposition) winding up the debate as the guillotine had fallen.


The amendment standing in the names of Councillors Adam Connell and Sue Fennimore was then put to the vote without debate:


Delete all after ‘public service provision’ and insert:


“2.  This council resolves not to wait for government action and instead support significant investment into Fire Safety Plus which is being put together with residents and being designed by independent experts. The new Fire Safety Plus packages includes:

·         Installing new fire sprinklers

·         New fire safety checks for every home

·         New, free front and internal fire doors and walls for leaseholders and other council residents

·         New free replacement of appliances that fail safety checks

·         New free plug adapters

·         And more to be agreed with the borough’s new Residents’ Fire Safety Review Panel


The Council determines to continue to work openly and share fire safety information with the fire services, residents, and the new Residents’ Fire Safety Review Panel to ensure the continuing safety of all who live in a council home.


It also calls on the Government to implement the findings of the previous inquest by the Coroner, presented in 2013, into the deaths of those who lost their lives at Lakanal House.””


FOR                            22

AGAINST                   18

NOT VOTING            1


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


The special motion as amended was then put to the vote.


FOR                            UNANIMOUS

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The special motion as amended was declared CARRIED.


10.04pm – RESOLVED


1.    This Council reaffirms the commitment to the safety of tenants, leaseholders, residents and their families in its housing stock which lies at the heart of its public service provision.


2.   This council resolves not to wait for government action and instead support significant investment into Fire Safety Plus which is being put together with residents and being designed by independent experts. The new Fire Safety Plus packages includes:

·         Installing new fire sprinklers

·         New fire safety checks for every home

·         New, free front and internal fire doors and walls for leaseholders and other council residents

·         New free replacement of appliances that fail safety checks

·         New free plug adapters

·         And more to be agreed with the borough’s new Residents’ Fire Safety Review Panel


The Council determines to continue to work openly and share fire safety information with the fire services, residents, and the new Residents’ Fire Safety Review Panel to ensure the continuing safety of all who live in a council home.


It also calls on the Government to implement the findings of the previous inquest by the Coroner, presented in 2013, into the deaths of those who lost their lives at Lakanal House.

Supporting documents: