Agenda item

Hammersmith and Fulham GP Federation Update

The purpose of this paper is to update the Health and Wellbeing Board on

H & F GP Federation’s work, notably:


·         The organisational and governance structure of the Federation; and

·         Overview of key programmes of work, namely Out of Hospital services, accountable care, education and transformation.



Councillor Lukey welcomed Chris Adams, CEO, H & F GP Federation and David Wingfield, Chairman, H & F GP Federation.   David Wingfield, provided an update on the work of the Federation, explaining the governance structure of the organisation and the key areas of work currently being undertaken such as out of hospital services.  Support to general practices had been a key focus, with advice and guidance on a range of areas that included services such as anti-coagulation and diabetes.  While this was currently small in number, it was expected to increase.  It was also explained that a number smaller practices were merging, offering greater opportunities to reduce non-clinical costs, create flexible services and create opportunities to benefit from the sharing of clinical services and expertise. 


Another key programme was on education and training of clinical staff.  The Federation received grant funding from the Health Education North West London (HENWL).  Practice based education hubs had also been established.  The governance arrangements for the organisation was relatively simple, with the Clinical Governance Committee reporting to the Board of Directors, together with a steering group, consisting of a range of stakeholders and patient group representatives.  One of the aims was to try and facilitate greater input from GPs, particularly in terms of delivering elements of the GP Five-year Forward View and ensuring greater accountability.


With reference to page 35 of the report, Keith Mallinson enquired whether training of receptionists would form part of the workforce education and training programme, given that a significant number of complaints where about receptionists.  Chris Adams responded that they had recently secured joint funding sources from the H&F CCG and Health Education England.  The training would consist of basic customer services training, such as ensuring eye contact.  There was a future expectation that the training would eventually focus on technical aspects such as telephony services and a final area would be about signposting clinical care pathways and care navigation.


Focusing on workforce training, Councillor Vaughan commented that this was currently a significant area of concern, in the context of the STP (Sustainability Transformation Plan), and would be included in the future work programme of the Council’s Health, Adult Social Care and Social Inclusion Policy and Accountability Committee.  Noting the need to recruit, upskill and retain staff, Councillor Vaughan asked if this could be achieved through the package of training currently in place and whether this offered clinical staff greater incentive to work in the Borough.  Chris Adams acknowledged that staff retention was a concern and that this was addressed in part by ensuring that there was greater support for GPs.  One solution was the establishment of Network Locums, a dedicated pool of approximately 60 locum GPs.  This was relatively easy platform to use, the key advantage of which was local knowledge, which helped stabilise the resource, in addition to safeguarding continuity of care.  David Wingfield added that they were actively trying to recruit local residents.  He explained also that a small-scale career pathway had been established for health care assistants who wanted to progress their medical expertise through formal, nursing education. 


In response to a query from Councillor Lukey enquiring about the link between the work of the Federation and Public Health, David Wingfield explained that the Federation anticipated that this would continue to develop and had recently met with the Director of Public Health, Mike Robinson.  He explained that they had recently begun to undertake data modelling and that the knowledge and data analysis provided by Public Health, would be invaluable. 







That the Federation’s structure and key programmes, as set out in the Executive Summary of the report, be noted.


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