Agenda item

Special Motion 1 - Labour's Diesel Stealth Tax


7.37pm – Under Standing Order 15(m), Councillor Mark Loveday moved an alteration to the special motion as follows:


“In paragraph 2, delete ‘28,729’ and insert ’10,860’.”


Councillor Greg Smith moved, seconded by Councillor Steve Hamilton, the (altered) special motion in their names:


“This Council:

1.    Recognises the importance of improving air quality in Hammersmith & Fulham and all the health benefits associated with cleaner air.

2.    Notes the Labour administration’s proposal to introduce a surcharge for parking permits to apply to 10,860 diesel cars in the borough with an escalator to increase the level of charges in future years.


This Council condemns Labour’s Diesel Tax, which:

1.    Is not supported by any scientific evidence to show it will do anything to improve the level of air quality in our Borough.

2.    Is a stealth tax.

3.    Will disproportionately punish residents of low income and restricted financial means in our Borough.


This Council therefore:

1.    Calls for the immediate suspension of Labour’s Diesel Tax until a full and proper study is undertaken to examine the impact on air quality and the implications of this tax on the financial wellbeing of low income households.

2.    Further commits to work with the government and TfL to identify measures which will actually improve the borough's air quality.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Greg Smith and Steve Hamilton (for the Opposition).


Under Standing Order 15(e)(6), Councillor Wesley Harcourt moved, seconded by Councillor Larry Culhane, an amendment to the special motion as follows:


“Delete all after:


“This Council:”


And insert:


“Notes that on 6 June 2014, the then CEO of LBHF, advised senior administration councillors that the former Conservative administration had been proposing to increase parking charges, mid-year and following the local elections, by a 14.7% and urged the new Labour administration to follow this plan. This proposed increase in charges has been confirmed through documents received under a Freedom of Information Act request. This council agrees that the Labour administration was right to reject that proposal and notes that it has successfully kept parking rates low.


The council also notes that the former Conservative administration increased parking charges by 25.3% during their term in office.


The Council is alarmed by London’s air pollution levels and is deeply concerned that this borough has some of the most polluted sites in the country. It therefore welcomes the report from the resident-led Independent Air Quality Commission and notes one of its recommendation is to suggest the Council increases parking permit charges for diesel vehicles.


The Council congratulates the administration for freezing parking charges for a third year in a row.


This Council rejects the rank hypocrisy of the Conservative councillors who brought in record increased stealth taxes to the borough’s motorists during their time in office.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Wesley Harcourt, Larry Culhane, Max Schmid, and Stephen Cowan (for the Administration) and Nicholas Botterill, Joe Carlebach, Andrew Brown, and Caroline Ffiske (for the Opposition). The amendment was then put to the vote.


FOR                            22

AGAINST                   17

NOT VOTING            1


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


Councillor Greg Smith then made a speech on the motion as amended winding up the debate. The motion as amended was then put to the vote.


FOR                            22

AGAINST                   18

NOT VOTING            1


The substantive motion was declared CARRIED.


8.27pm – RESOLVED


This Council:


Notes that on 6 June 2014, the then CEO of LBHF, advised senior administration councillors that the former Conservative administration had been proposing to increase parking charges, mid-year and following the local elections, by a 14.7% and urged the new Labour administration to follow this plan. This proposed increase in charges has been confirmed through documents received under a Freedom of Information Act request. This council agrees that the Labour administration was right to reject that proposal and notes that it has successfully kept parking rates low.


The council also notes that the former Conservative administration increased parking charges by 25.3% during their term in office.


The Council is alarmed by London’s air pollution levels and is deeply concerned that this borough has some of the most polluted sites in the country. It therefore welcomes the report from the resident-led Independent Air Quality Commission and notes one of its recommendation is to suggest the Council increases parking permit charges for diesel vehicles.


The Council congratulates the administration for freezing parking charges for a third year in a row.


This Council rejects the rank hypocrisy of the Conservative councillors who brought in record increased stealth taxes to the borough’s motorists during their time in office.

Supporting documents: