Agenda item

Housing and Care JSNA


Councillor Lukey welcomed Anna Waterman, Strategic Public Health Advisor, who led the co-produced “Housing support and care: Integrated solutions for integrated challenges, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Housing JSNA). Outlining the process of engagement with colleagues in Social Care, Housing and health as well as other stakeholders.  Anna Waterman referred to the recognised links between housing conditions and health and wellbeing.  The JNSA took a whole system approach to the identification of integrated solutions to integrated challenges. It had been developed in line with, and complemented the Housing Strategy and Adult Social Care’s Prevention Strategy.


Themes reflected in the report encompassed smarter budgeting, with increased focus on the Public Services (Social Values) Care Act 2012 and the Like Minded Strategy.  The recommendations were designed to build on existing commitments and sit within several themes or ‘foundation stones’, some of which were covered in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  The report covered a complex area of work recognising that the resources were shared across the three boroughs, WCC, RBKC and LBHF.  It also recognised the community links across the boroughs and how they in turn, linked to other central London boroughs.  The implementation of the recommendations will require engagement across the system, to identify the most optimum way forward for LBHF, taking into account local assets, including social capital, and local strategic priorities.  However, as the report was co-produced, it offered a shared language. Many stakeholders were ideally placed to start work, with a clear picture as to how best to progress the recommendations that would improve the existing partnership between housing, social care and health.


Keith Mallinson welcomed the report, the JNSA was an excellent document, encompassing a complex area of work and he was impressed by the way in which the current administration had sought to address the issue.  Liz Bruce confirmed that this was one of the Borough’s top three priorities to attain fluid, joint commissioning. 


Steve Miley observed that the strategy largely focused on adults and it was confirmed that this was intended, to ensure that the scope did not become unmanageable.  The report did refer to the impact of overcrowding on children, who would also be beneficiaries of any improvement to housing conditions. 


Councillor Lukey concluded that the report successfully broke down some of the issues and would discourage silo working.  It would sit well alongside the Older Peoples Strategy and she welcomed the positive feedback it had received.  The Board welcomed the report and requested a further update after one year. 


ACTION: Public Health




1.      That, the Health and Wellbeing Board approve the Housing support and care JSNA and its recommendations, for publication;


2.      That, the Health and Wellbeing Board, ensure that the report’s recommendations are reflected in delivery plans for related strategic documents, including the Sustainability and Transformation Plan, the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Older People’s Housing Strategy;


3.      That the Health and Wellbeing Board champions progress on the ‘foundation stones’ outlined in section 8, in particular:


a)    Joint commissioning and pooled budgets;

b)    IT data sharing protocols and information governance;

c)    Smooth customer journeys between services; and


4.      That the Health and Wellbeing Board review progress against the recommendations, within one year of publication.


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