Agenda item

NW London Sustainability and Transformation Plan


Councillor Vivienne Lukey introduced the report from Hammersmith and Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group (H&F CCG), setting out the North West London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).  It was recognised that the report was a draft and the final submission would also be work in progress.  It was further recognised that LBHF and Ealing had declined to sign up to the first draft of the submission.


Janet Cree, Managing Director, H&F CCG presented the report, which chronologically set out milestones and checkpoints, up to and including the current position.  Affirming that the submission was work in progress, she referred to the timelines set out in the report and said that there should be an awareness of progress to date.  The date for the final submission had been moved to 21st October 2016, a timeframe that allowed for the inclusion of results from the consultation and engagement events, set out in section 6 of the covering report.


Councillor Lukey referred to the list of meeting dates listed in section 6.7 of the report, with the date for Hammersmith and Fulham provisionally listed as 21st September.  It was noted that this would be a public event and that attendance by members of the public would be encouraged.  Keith Mallinson, Healthwatch, expressed concern that there ought to be two meetings, to be held separately in Hammersmith and Fulham.  He added that Healthwatch had been critical of the NHS approach taken across the country on the STP, highlighting the lack of definition as to what constituted a “local hospital”.  Councillor Rory Vaughan concurred and enquired if the submission would receive a full public consultation following 21st October.  He also asked about the timeframe for delivering the plans and when they would come to fruition. 


Janet Cree confirmed that the engagement process would continue throughout the calendar year and that a mechanism for factoring in engagement was planned.  The next submission date was 21st October but there was uncertainty as to what the next stage would be.  It was assumed that this would be the final iteration of the submission and that engagement would focus around the five delivery areas, detailing how the STP would come to fruition.  Whilst there would not be a “full consultation”, there would be a small number of public events held around the borough.  Liz Bruce, Director, Adult Social Care and Health, commented that there would be a mix of NHS officers, a joint transformation group, which will work towards delivering the STP.  Statutory consultation would not yet form part of the discussion.


Reiterating that Ealing and LBHF had declined to sign up to the STP, the Board were informed that an independent review had been commissioned, collaboratively funded by the remaining six local authorities.  The review would consider the areas highlighted in the Mansfield Commission report, the analysis, financial implications, safeguards, identifiable population needs and gaps in provision.  The intention was that this would be complete by the end of September, to feed into the submission by 21st October.  A selection panel had also been established by KPMG.


Councillor Lukey suggested that Healthwatch write to NHS England and formally request what the public engagement process was.  Janet Cree added that Healthwatch had been part of the Strategic Planning Group (SPG), participating in the evolution of the submission.

ACTION: Healthwatch


Stuart Lines, Deputy Director of Public Health, commented on Delivery Area One, highlighting the preventative elements.  The priorities here were ambitious, denoting a joined up system to deliver health improvements and alleviate social isolation.  Delivery Area Four covered improvements to adult and child mental health provision.  The Board briefly discussed how this fitted with current public sector provision from places such as the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.  In response to a query from Councillor Lukey, Janet Cree confirmed that the STP built upon plans from across London.  This work was about infrastructure and place based commissioning, and was already evolving.




1.       That the Board’s comments be incorporate into the final STP, which the NW London is required to submit to NHS England on 21st October; and


2.       That the Board receives a further report, once the outcome of the submission is known, outlining service proposals and funding available to address the existing gap and ensuring that the costs of increased social care that will result from the delivery areas set out in the new plan.


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