Agenda item


The Committee is invited to submit any formal comments on the draft CLCH’s quality account for 2015-16 to the Trust.


The Chair welcomed Katie Wilkins, Assistant Head of Quality (Interim), Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH).  It was noted that whilst the deadline to respond to the consultation had passed, urgent comments could still be incorporated.  Members expressed concern that the version of the document included in the agenda had been further amended.


In response to a question from Patrick McVeigh, Katie Wilkins confirmed that the reviews were conducted by a third party organisation that asked questions about the patients experience, CLCH was not involved in this process and tried to ensure that patients were aware that their comments will not affect the quality of the treatment they receive.  Responding to a query from Councillor Andrew Brown, Katie Wilkins acknowledged that figures under Preventing Harm did not present a good picture and assured members that this was taken very seriously. Commenting on the figure for pressure ulcers (212 to 416), target to achieve 50% reduction, was a significant contributor to the overall increase.  This had been addressed with a specific pressure ulcer app in order to train staff and improve awareness.  Continuing the discussion around the reduction in medication incidents (from 73 to 36 year-end), it was understood that better training awareness was a problem area that had been addressed for example by improving labelling and packing of medicines. Katie Wilkins affirmed that publication of the figures clearly identified areas requiring improvement.


Councillor Hannah Barlow referred to the staff survey results and a quarter of staff (24%) experienced bullying.  Katie Wilkins acknowledged that this was a large, national issue and that the Human Resources Team had conducted more in-depth analysis.  Each recorded incident was reviewed and protocols established to ensure enhanced supervision and training for not just for an individual, but for that entire team.  It was noted that Peter Coles had been recently been appointed Chief Executive (previously interim).  Councillor Joe Carlebach commented on the lack of detail for children’s health services and expressed concern as to the lack of reference to paediatrics.




Councillor Vivienne Lukey (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) commented on learning from serious incidents and best practice derived from shared learning.  Councillor Lukey noted that there was no mention of safeguarding incidents and asked the extent to which the organisation was outward facing and Kate Wilkins confirmed that it was.  Sue Spiller clarified that protocols had developed around sharing good practice with health colleagues.  In response to a comment from Councillor Sharon Holder, with reference to the absence of Appendix 1, Complaints Annual Report, from the draft document, Katie Wilkins confirmed that the report would be attached in the final publication.




Councillor Natalia Perez identified that there were particular challenges inherent in obtaining accurate feedback and enquired how CLCH captured data from individuals with learning disabilities.  Katie Wilkins confirmed that the organisation responsible for this was independent of CLCH and applied appropriate methods and tools to capture the data qualitatively.  It was noted that many patients were reluctant to give negative feedback.  Councillor Perez was keen to receive further details about the methods deployed for patient engagement to ensure an equitable representation of perspectives.




With reference to dementia and diabetes, Katie Wilkins responded to a query from Councillor Brown. It was explained that the CQUIN  payment framework did not spearhead funding and that there were some difficulties as this was tied to quality improvement targets.  Councillor Vaughan noted the signals offered by the traffic lighting of figures and also points regarding funding of training.  He recommended that more information be included in the report for 2017/18, particularly children’s services and safeguarding.  Further detail about pressure ulcers and medicine harm incidents should also include.  He also be made further reference to the methods used to capture data through feedback and details on this and patient engagement were important for the Committee to view. 



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