Agenda item

Strategic Planning: Reviewing Progress And Looking Forward To The Refresh Of The Joint Health And Wellbeing Strategy

This report considers research into the effectiveness of Health and Wellbeing Boards across the country, outlines the changing needs of the Hammersmith & Fulham population and sets out a framework for the refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy in 2016.



Stuart Lines gave a presentation on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy supporting information for Hammersmith and Fulham. The full presentation can be found on pages 90 - 126 of the agenda. 

In summary Stuart Lines talked through the characteristics and demographics of the local population. He also touched on life expectancy, age, child and adult health, gender, family breakdown, disability, sexual orientation and deprivation. He went on to present information on health inequality trends and ethnicity health inequalities, housing, patterns of health and vulnerable groups in the Hammersmith and Fulham area. There was also research on mental illness, HIV, problem drug users, changing patterns of need and projections of the prevalence of selected diseases in the area. 

In response to a question from the Chair about breaking the information down by ward it was confirmed by Stuart Lines that this would be possible for some of the slides but not all of them. He also confirmed in response to a question from Steve Miley about rising alcohol abuse that identifying parents from hospital admissions was not in line with current practice. Dr Tim Spicer commented that with alcohol abuse there was no age limit when it stopped and that Hammersmith and Fulham were currently providing data in this area which was being utilised across London. 

Vanessa Andreae commented that with regard to prevalence of selected diseases in Hammersmith and Fulham there was work to be done on cancer. Stuart Lines added that what was preventable was the key. Councillor Lukey commented that increased monitoring information was useful and Councillor Vaughan asked the CCG what were the key messages for smokers. Councillor Sue Macmillan commented that alcohol abuse was a good area of focus for a future report. 

Councillor Lukey stated that community grants were a positive area that the board could influence and join up processes to use finances to improve health outcomes. Vanessa Andreae agreed that it would also be beneficial in terms of governance arrangements. Dr Tim Spencer stated that social isolation and long-term conditions were also areas that the board could work together on. Stuart Lines added that smoking cessation was the best way to improve health and the issue was how to target particular groups

Councillor Lukey reminded Members of the upcoming community event with a focus on poverty, diet and healthy eating. 

ACTION - Chris Neil

Chris Neil discussed arranging a half day development session with Members to discuss the care budgets 5 to 10-year deficit and long term financial planning. 


i)             That the position of the Health and Wellbeing Boards across the country and progress made to date, be noted.

ii)            That population health need in the borough, how needs and demography have changed and how they are expected to change in the future, be noted.

iii)           That recent policy announcements and how the board will need to dapt to offer system leadership in the future, be noted.

iv)           That early thinking about what the new Health and Wellbeing strategies could cover, be considered.

v)            That a high-level timeline for the development of the plans at this stage be followed up at a half day meeting to be scheduled in May 2016.



Supporting documents: