Agenda item

Manager's Report

To receive a report from the Director of Safer Neighbourhood and the

Director of Finance and Resources, Environmental Services, updating the committee on recent management activity.


The Committee will be receiving a presentation from the Old Oak Park team. In addition, Tim Dye and Steven Kaye from Thames Valley Harriers will be attending to provide the Committee an update on Linford Christie Stadium.


HS2 Bill - Proposed Wetland Mitigation Legal Agreement and HS2 Bill – Additional Provisional 4 (AP4)


Farrah Rossi (Project Manager) reported that the legal agreement had been placed on hold until the implications of HS2’s Additional Provision (AP4) were understood. In addition, it was reported that the legal agreement may need to be amended to reflect any new discussions with HS2 on the impact of the proposed Stamford Brook Sewer. In response to Members, Farrah Rossi confirmed that mitigation agreement remained in place and would not be affected in light of any future discussions. It was additionally reported that the Council had submitted a petition that would allow further time to fully understand the impact of the proposals and seek assurances from HS2 to safeguard the Scrubs. Officers had arranged to meet with HS2 again later in December 2015 and Farrah Rossi would provide Members an update following this meeting.


ACTION: Farrah Rossi


Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)


Ricardo Bobisse (PLP Architecture), Chris Oughton (London Communications Agency) and Orestis Tzorzoglou (London & Regional Properties) from the Old Oak Park redevelopment team attended the meeting to brief Members on the programme, consultation and master plan.


In response to Members, the Old Oak Park redevelopment team reported that currently there was no direct connection from Wormwood Scrubs to the proposed development site due to the works being carried out at Old Oak Common. However, it was reported that an approach from the South was being considered and although this was still at a development stage, the Friends of Wormwood Scrubs expressed their opposition to direct access to the Scrubs from a HS2 or any other train station. It was additionally reported that the earliest occupation would not be until 2024/25, as Car Giant were yet to secure an alternative site and extensive enabling works would be required following their vacation of the existing site.


Alexandra Day (Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation) reported that the Mayor of London had adopted the Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF). It was proposed that an 8-week consultation on the Local Plan would be launched in February 2016, which would  include a series of drop in sessions and dedicated workshops. Members were keen for Alexandra Day to involve Andrew Kimmance, Director for Old Oak Housing Association and Mike Wilkins, Chief Executive at Ducane Housing Association.


Fundraising Plan


Harry Audley provided the Committee an update as set on pages 9 – 10 of the report. It was noted that residents were reporting that they were not well informed and that they were not aware of any engagement even on major topics such as HS2/Crossrail developments. In response to this, Alexandra Day agreed to feed this back to the OPDC Communications Steering Group.


Members were keen to bring forward proposals for a fundraising steering group, which had been discussed in the past. Councillor Elaine Chumnery and Miriam Shea were both keen on sitting on the steering group.


Filming and Events Update


Members reported that Woodmans Mews residents were becoming increasingly concerned by the use of the Red Gra area and the disruption being caused. It was noted that the disruption was largely attributed to Winter Wonderland and some of the concerns included:


·         Caravans/mobile homes were stationed right up against the flats

·         The generators were causing too much noise

·         Volume of cars and the increase of dust from cars entering and exiting the area

·         Floodlights

·         3am early morning arrivals and associated noise

·         Lack of consultation


Members were keen for Council officers to develop a Red Gra plan to prevent any further disruption.


ACTION: Mark Jones and David Page


Sports Facilities


Tim Dye (Thames Valley Harriers) attended the meeting to brief Members on the proposals for the Linford Christie Stadium. Tim Dye drew Members attention to a PowerPoint presentation and reported that the new complex would include the following:


·         Upgraded track to include repositioned pole vault and shot putt.

·         Existing running surface would be replaced

·         Indoor warm-up running track

·         Indoor 4 court sports hall

·         Changing and shower facilities for multi-sports

·         4G pitch to allow for year-round rugby and football

·         Yoga room

·         Pilates room

·         Physiotherapy rooms

·         Multipurpose gym

·         Seven indoor tennis courts (hard court)

·         Five outdoor clay courts

·         Viewing gallery for indoor courts

·         Baseball facility

·         Retail outlet

·         Coffee lounge

·         Cafeteria

·         Thames Valley Harriers clubhouse


The project would require a significant investment and it was reported that there were organisations interested in providing financial support. It was additionally reported that once the project had received significant investment and progress, further support would be sought from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), as the redevelopment of Linford Christie Stadium would largely focus on the development of an international standard tennis academy. Tim Dye added that the business case analysis from the third party consultant pointed out there was a need for a tennis academy in this area and the LTA had mentioned that there was a lack of tennis facilities available in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.


Members were keen for Thames Valley Harriers to widen their engagement strategy to local schools and residents. Councillor Elaine Chumnery drew Tim Dye’s attention to the community centre at the Old Oak Housing Estate, which would welcome a presentation on the proposed development, as well as opportunities to use the site for sport.


Community Safety Update


Members requested further details regarding dog related incidents as Mike Rumble was not present.


ACTION: David Page


2015/16 Financial Forecast


Mark Jones (Director for Finance and Resources) drew Members attention to pages 13 – 14 of the report. It was reported that since the last update to the Committee on 24 September 2015, there was an error in invoicing to the Hammersmith Hospital for the car park licence. In addition, an additional quarter was invoiced in error in 2014/15 (leading to 5 ‘quarters being invoiced). The latest forecast deficit was £115,319, which was £35,753 worse than budget. In response to the disappointing figures, Members suggested the possibility of hosting a fireworks nights at Wormwood Scrubs as seen at Bishops and Ravenscourt Park.


ACTION: Mark Jones and David Page


Neighbourhood Plan


David Jeffreys provided the Committee an update on the proposal for a Neighbourhood Plan for Old Oak. The proposed Neighbourhood Area of Old Oak would include the Scrubs and it was noted that the Friends of the Scrubs were supportive of the idea, as the main advantage would be that the Neighbourhood Forum would have a say in planning policy which could be significant concerning such issues as access from the north of the Scrubs and the need for amenity space elsewhere than the Scrubs. The Committee felt it would be useful to receive a briefing from Henry Peterson who was involved in developing a Neighbourhood Plan in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBK&C).


ACTION: Ibrahim Ibrahim


Other Business


David Jeffreys advised the Committee that he would be standing down from the Committee and Members wished to place their thanks on record for his input and hard work as a co-opted Member of the Committee. 




THAT, the report be noted.



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