Agenda item

Tfl Funded Annual Integrated Transport Investment Programme 2016/17




1.         That approval be given to carry out feasibility design and consultation on projects C1 to C3, N1 to N3 and L1 to L2 (identified in the body of the report) at a total cost of £90,000 (approximately 15% of the total capital project cost, and all charged to the capital project) as set out in paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 (forms part of the £1,796,000).


2.         That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services in consultation with the Director of Transport and Highways to approve the implementation of projects C1 to C3, N1 to N3 and L1 to L2 (identified in the body of the report) totalling £510,000 (forms part of the £1,711,000), subject to favourable outcome of public engagement and consultation.


3.         That approval be given to utilise £500,000 to implement a borough wide 20mph speed limit, subject to separate cabinet approval as set out in paragraph 5.2 (forms part of the £1,796,000). Should cabinet not separately approve implementation of a borough wide 20mph speed limit authority is given to delegate the reallocation of this £500,000 to Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services in consultation with the Director of Transport and Highways


4.         That approval be given to utilise £25,000 to undertake the pedestrian crossing study and a further £25,000 to the Fulham Palace Road study as set out in paragraph 5.3 (forms part of the £1,711,000).


5.         That approval be given to complete the 2015/16 integrated transport capital projects at a cost of £179,000 as set out in paragraph 5.3 (forms part of the £1,796,000).


6.         That approval be given to utilise £50,000 to enhance the TfL traffic signal modernisation programme in 2016/17 and £50,000 to enhance the council’s own carriageway and footway planned maintenance programme in 2015/16 as set out in paragraph 5.5 (forms part of the £1,796,000)


7.         That approval be given to deliver the Smarter Travel programme at a cost of £265,000, as detailed in paragraph 5.6 (forms part of the £1,796,000).


8.         That approval be given to utilise £50,000 to develop the council’s 2017/18 annual spending submission (charged to revenue) and to utilise £75,000 to contribute match funding for the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund 2 as set out in paragraph 5.7 (forms part of the £1,796,000).


9.         That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services in consultation with the Director of Transport and Highways to approve the implementation of the Local Transport Fund programme of £100,000, as detailed in paragraph 5.8.


10.       That approval be given to place all works orders with one of the council’s existing term or framework contractors; and in exceptional circumstances (where the council does not have the specific expertise) design work services through the London Borough of Ealing’s framework consultants contract with Project Centre Limited.


Reason for decision:

As set out in the report.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

As outlined in the report.


Record of any conflict of interest:



Note of dispensation in respect of any declared conflict of interest:


Supporting documents: