Agenda item

Special Motion 4 - Welcoming and supporting refugees


9.00pm – Councillor Ali Hashem moved, seconded by Caroline Needham, the special motion in their names:


This Council notes that conflicts in the Middle East have resulted in the largest refugee crisis in generations and that thousands of women, men and children have died while seeking sanctuary from atrocious violence – many trying to cross the Mediterranean sea.


This Council is proud that Great Britain has a long history of supporting refugees but notes that there have been many instances in history where countries turned refugees away and failed to act before it was too late.


This Council agrees to do its bit in offering help and support to refugees and agrees that getting a compassionate, reasonable tone to the debate about the scale of this crisis and the nature of Britain’s response is the duty of all in public life.


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Ali Hashem, Caroline Needham, and Natalia Perez (for the Administration).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Joe Carlebach moved, seconded by Councillor Rob Largan, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“After “too late” insert:


This Council recognises the anguish of all refugees from areas of conflict, in particular the plight of child refugees and specifically refugee orphans.


We call on all authorities, in the UK and in the wider international community, irrespective of political affiliations or international alliances to do everything they can to help save and protect these vulnerable and innocent victims of conflict.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Joe Carlebach and Rob Largan (for the Opposition), before it was put to the vote.









The amendment was declared CARRIED.


Speeches on the substantive motion were made by Councillors Ben Coleman and Sue Fennimore (for the Administration) and Councillor Rob Largan (for the Opposition). Councillor Ali Hashem made a speech winding up the debate. The substantive motion was then put to the vote:









The motion was declared CARRIED.


9:45pm – RESOLVED


This Council notes that conflicts in the Middle East have resulted in the largest refugee crisis in generations and that thousands of women, men and children have died while seeking sanctuary from atrocious violence – many trying to cross the Mediterranean sea.


This Council is proud that Great Britain has a long history of supporting refugees but notes that there have been many instances in history where countries turned refugees away and failed to act before it was too late.


This Council recognises the anguish of all refugees from areas of conflict, in particular the plight of child refugees and specifically refugee orphans.


We call on all authorities, in the UK and in the wider international community, irrespective of political affiliations or international alliances to do everything they can to help save and protect these vulnerable and innocent victims of conflict.


This Council agrees to do its bit in offering help and support to refugees and agrees that getting a compassionate, reasonable tone to the debate about the scale of this crisis and the nature of Britain’s response is the duty of all in public life.

Supporting documents: