Agenda item

Manager's Report


Opposition to the Wetland Mitigation Area Proposed in HS2 Bill


David Page (Director for Safer Neighbourhoods) reported that the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF) had agreed to deliver an agreed mitigation scheme at HS2’s (High Speed Rail 2) cost. The value of implementing and maintaining the scheme would be capped at £3.9m over 10 years although this would be reviewed once a contractor had been appointed. LBHF was in the process of preparing the tender documentation and there would be an obligation on both LBHF and HS2 to seek value for money. It was felt that this was a fantastic achievement for the Trust and it would be appropriate to issue a press release to highlight this achievement.


ACTION: David Page, Director for Safer Neighbourhoods


Fundraising Plan


Mark Jones (Director for Finance and Resources, Environmental Services) drew Members attention to pages 18 – 21; appendix 1 of the report, which sought views on fundraising plans. It was reported that the Trust would need to find an additional income of around £70,000 per year to reach a breakeven position on income and expenditure.


It was reported that LBHF had spoken to the Third Sector Investment Team regarding the bidding criteria for Hammersmith United Charities and it was reported that the Trust fits their funding criteria, if a suitable project could be identified. David Page would circulate a separate paper with further information.


ACTION: David Page, Director for Safer Neighbourhoods


Mark Jones circulated a hand-out to Members on ‘Scoping Land Comparable to WSCT’. This would also be circulated electronically to Members of the Committee.


ACTION: Mark Jones, Director for Finance and Resources, Environmental Services


The hand-out examined big areas of open land across London and it was felt that it would be useful to speak to organisations that run those parks that have most in common with WSCT to investigate how they raise funds.


ACTION: Mark Jones, Director for Finance and Resources, Environmental Services


Further to previous meetings of the Committee, it was reported that Harry Audley (SOBUS) would propose recommendations on how WSCT could work with Community Champions. It was additionally reported that this action was outstanding and that Mark Jones would raise this again with Harry Audley.


ACTION: Mark Jones, Director for Finance and Resources, Environmental Services

Members were informed that the WSCT does not have a website and a low profile generally on the internet and in social media. It was felt that it would be beneficial to create a website, which would help to raise the profile of WSCT. The website would also include visitor information, surveys, guides, pictures and comments and by using WordPress, this could be achieved for a relatively small fee. In addition, the website would include a tool to include a donate option  It was suggested local schools or sixth forms could be provided with opportunities to create content and maintain the website, which officers would examine in further detail. It was felt that Ark Burlington Danes Academy would be an appropriate school to contact in the first instance.


ACTION: Mark Jones, Director for Finance and Resources, Environmental Services and David Page, Director for Safer Neighbourhoods


Mark Jones reported that there was a demand from schools to visit ecology centres, woodlands areas and to see farm animals. It was additionally reported that the Wild Learning Organisation (WLO) charge £38 per child on ecology field trips. Mark Jones advised that he would contact the WLO to see if they were interested in working with the Trust.


ACTION: Mark Jones, Director for Finance and Resources, Environmental Services


The creation of an ecology centre was discussed.  However, whilst this would create a further income stream, it would also open up the Trust to staffing and running costs. It was noted that the Trust could appeal to funding from Trusts and Foundations and that Imperial College could be a potential funding partner. Members requested information on the Council Appointee to the Court of the Imperial College Trust, who could assist in any discussions regarding funding opportunities. 


ACTION: Ibrahim Ibrahim, Assistant Committee Coordinator


Filming and Events Update


Jem Kale (Events Manager) reported that the Polo in the Park event had been taking place for seven years in Hurlingham Park. The Filming and Events team approached the event organisers regarding potential relocation of the event to the Scrubs. However, the organisers had already signed an agreement to stay in Hurlingham Park and it was therefore not feasible to explore the relocation of the event.


The Filming and Events team had begun discussions for a music event to take in the Scrubs with three event organisers. These could take place as early as 2016 and would see attendances of up to 10,000. In addition, a 5k Charity run had been proposed and officers were in discussions regarding a pricing structure. A further update would be presented in due course.


ACTION: Jem Kale, Events Manager


The use of Red Gra as a filming unit base had become an expanding business and further synergies had been created to increase unit base income from the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC) filming customers. There had been prior discussions around the possibility of providing electricity and water at the site, and it was reported that this would be tied into the CCTV project in a collaborative manner. Members requested the timescale involved in implementing this.


ACTION: Jem Kale, Events Manager


 It was reported that Olympia and Winter Wonderland organisers had shown an interest in using the Red Gra as unit base during Winter 2015. A pricing structure had yet to be determined for Winter Wonderland. In addition, there was a discussion regarding an exclusivity clause over the area used due to the length of time requested. A further update would be presented in due course.


ACTION: Jem Kale, Events Manager


Community Safety Update


Mike Rumble (Parks Inspector) provided Members an update on the Parks Police incident and patrols. It was reported that the first quarter was very quiet on Wormwood Scrubs with Parks Police incidents reducing from previous years. No trends had been identified.


Parks Management/Grounds Maintenance Update


Ian Ross (Parks Manager) reported that officers continue to monitor the Scrubs on a regular basis carrying out both scheduled inspections with the Council’s contractor, Quadron Services, as well as unannounced visits. No complaints over maintenance standards have been received in the last quarter.


During a recent routine office inspection it was noted that the London Planes adjacent to Scrubs Lane were suffering dieback. In addition, a member of the public reported a fallen branch on the cycle lane and when investigated, it was found that further dieback had occurred. Investigative work indicated that the route the trees followed an old tram line and it was believed that this had caused soil contamination, affecting the health and viability of the trees. Members also noted that the trees by the barrier were also looking in a poor state, which Ian Ross would look into.


ACTION: Ian Ross, Parks Manager


Children’s Outdoor Gym


It was noted that Members preferred the introduction of play equipment for children as young as 3 up to 14 year olds rather than an outdoor gym. This would complement the outdoor gym for adults installed last year but they would be kept separated to make clear that these facilities were suitable for use by different age groups and for different types of activity. Councillor Elaine Chumnery agreed to forward Ian Ross email correspondence relating to the installation of play equipment for children.


ACTION: Councillor Elaine Chumnery


Path from Braybrook Street


Ian Ross reported that officers proposed to install a new pathway running alongside the outdoor gym, to Braybrook Street as this area becomes particularly wet in Winter. Ian Ross would liaise with Heather Miller (Business Development and Executive Support Officer) on this matter.


ACTION: Ian Ross, Parks Manager


Linford Christie Outdoor Sports Centre


Steven Kaye (Thames Valley Harriers (TVH)) attended the meeting to brief the Committee on plans to redevelop the Linford Christie Sports Centre. The plans include proposals for an international standard athletics and tennis facilities. The Sports Centre would be a self-generating and would be created as a not for profit organisation. It was reported that any profits would be reinvested back in to the Sports Centre.


The project would include plans for an additional level on the changing rooms, which would include scope function rooms, rehabilitation rooms, clinic rooms as well as a gym, making it a 21st Century redevelopment. The existing pavilion would also be refurbished. In response to the Members, Steven Kaye confirmed that the project do not include any plans for residential developments.


The project would require an investment of £15m - £20m and it was noted that there were interested parties willing to provide funding. Support would be sought initially from corporate organisations such as Sainsbury’s, Barclays and/or Santander. Following this process and when the project had received a significant investment and progress, further support would be sought from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and Sport England. In addition, the project would not use any additional land from Wormwood Scrubs and would solely focus on the redevelopment of the existing site. 


It was reported that LBHF and TVH had held discussions ALFS+P Architects, who were responsible for the design of the Olympic Aquatic Centre. It was additionally reported that ALFS+P were undertaking a feasibility and cost study. It was understood that the architects would circulate a design within next two months.


David Page recognised that the stadium required significant refurbishment and Members also welcomed the project. In addition, the project would not have any capital or revenue implications for WSCT or LBHF. LBHF officers were expecting comments from the Planning Department regarding any potential planning constraints.


Other Matters


David Page would ask Jackie Simkins (Principal Planning Projects Officer) to provide Members a written update on any other outstanding matters.


ACTION: David Page, Director for Safer Neighbourhoods




THAT, the report be noted.

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