Agenda item

Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework Briefing

To receive a presentation updating the committee on the Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework


Alexandra Day, Senior Engagement Officer, and Tom Cardis, Principal Strategic Planner, presented an overview of the Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) and the work of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC).


The OPDC had been formalised on the 1st April 2015. Since then an engagement exercise had begun, looking to involve key partners in the delivery of the project. The OPDC was now the local planning authority for the OPDC area and would  be reviewing planning applications  as well as  developing the Local Plan for the area. It was confirmed that some planning applications had already been received.


The  consultation on the Local Plan would commence in the autumn and take approximately 18 months for the plan to be formally adopted.




The OAPF was a GLA document that had been started before the creation of the OPDC. The framework served as a pre-local plan guide for dealing with the early stages of the development.


Revisions were currently being made to the OAPF in response to the consultation exercise that had taken place. The revised document would be sent to the planning committee for review prior to endorsement by the OPDC and adoption by the Mayor. The OPDC would not formally adopt the OAPF until the Local Plan is adopted.


It was reported that there had been 11,000 responses to the consultation on the framework; these had been received from 3000 separate respondents, including the Trust and the Friends. It was noted that the Friends, The Local Authority and the Trust had raised similar concerns.


How these issues were likely to be addressed in the revised framework was discussed.  References to the objectives of the Trust and the Scrubs would be made more prominent in the document and details of the planned density around the boundary of the Scrubs would be specified. There would be clarity over the amenity spaces in the development north of the Scrubs.


The response to comments on the  OAPF would be going to the planning committee in early July, and then to the OPDC Board two weeks later.  A track changed version of the OAPF would then be submitted to Planning Committee and OPDC Board in September 2015 for approval.




It was asked whether the Trust would be keen to hold a position on one of the panels that comprised the governance structure of the OPDC. Suitable panels were advised to be the “Place Review Panel”, the “Communities Panel” or the “Public Sector Advisory Panel”.  It was agreed that members of the Trust needed to have a discussion about where they felt they best aligned and where they would be able to have the most impact.


The timescale for a decision was questioned and it was reported that it was unlikely that all the committees would have been set-up by the time of the Trust’s next meeting on the 24th September. Alexandra Day agreed to check the timescales for the creation of the panels.

Action: Alexandra Day


The membership of the board of the development corporation was discussed. It was confirmed that the OPDC was made up of 15 members, chaired by Ed Lister and including the leaders of three local authorities and representatives from HS2, TFL, The Department of Transport and the community. The planning authority comprised Cllr Harcourt and cabinet members for Brent and Ealing, as well as three development and regeneration experts.


Miriam Shea questioned whether an application had yet been submitted for the development of the Car Giant site, around 20 hectares in size. The application was thought to be for 9000 new homes. Tom Cardis reported that this application was currently in pre-application stage and was likely to be submitted in late 2015, early 2016. It was confirmed to be for a residential led scheme. The details of the scheme were still to be confirmed. Tom Cardis to arrange for Car Giant and QPR, another significant stakeholder to attend the next meeting of the Trust.


Action: Tom Cardis, Fern Aldous


Alexandra Day confirmed she would circulate the consultation details in relation to the scheme.

Action: Alexandra Day                            


It was confirmed that only small scale planning applications had been submitted, such as the Cross rail depot. Alexandra Day to circulate the link to the page for applications received.


Action: Alexandra Day                            


It was questioned to what extent the OAPF would inform the Local Plan. It was confirmed that Local Plan, although informed by the OAPF, would have a lot greater level of detail, as well as policy setting powers that the framework did not have.


 Jackie Simkins asked that it be noted to the OPDC that the interface between the development area and the Scrubs, particularly along the northern boundary was a critical point in the scheme. The transition between the Scrubs to the development should not be “stark”; this should be made clear in the wording of the revised framework. Tom Cardis reported it was thought likely the area surrounding the Scrubs would be designated as a low density area.


David Jeffreys questioned the solidity of the proposal for the link between the new HS2 station and the Scrubs. It was unclear whether the decision on access would be included within the HS2 Bill. Tom Cardis confirmed that the development of any access would have to be subject to its own planning application as part of the link runs through the IEP Depot site; this was felt to be positive by the committee.


It was asked whether updates from the OPDC could become a standing item on the committee’s agenda. The clerk to circulate the dates of the upcoming committees.


Action: Fern Aldous


The Chair thanked Tom Cardis and Alexandra Day for their attendance at the committee.

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