Agenda item

Healthwatch Central West London

This report sets out the role and work of Healthwatch in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham



Ms Paula Murphy, Director Healthwatch, Central West London (CWL) and Sam Wallace, Borough Manager for Hammersmith & Fulham presented the report, which provided an update on the implementation of Healthwatch (CWL); outlined key projects; and invited PAC members to consider the potential for joint working.


Councillor Barlow queried progress in respect of the outstanding concerns in respect of Shaping a Healthier Future (submitted in October 2014). Ms Murphy responded that Healthwatch CWL met monthly with Dr Tracey Batten to inform the patient engagement programme and clinical strategy. In addition, there were monthly meetings with the Chair and Managing Director of the CCG. Healthwatch CWL aimed to ensure that what local residents were saying influenced changes.


Mr Wallace responded to a query regarding mental health and young people in Hammersmith & Fulham that there were concerns in respect of availability and sign posting, and sometimes a lack of understanding of the role of the various organisations. Information was not joined up.  Healthwatch had spoken to young people and visited local CAMHs services and hoped to be involved in the Hammersmith & Fulham multi-agency task group. The project had identified a gap in respect of parental mental health. The report had been presented to the Children’s and Education PAC.


Children had been placed out of the borough as a consequence of a reduction in the  number of in-patient beds. It was hoped to undertake more work, in conjunction with Healthwatch in other areas.


Mr Naylor referred to the importance of the concept of co-production, and Age UK’s experience of meetings but no significant co-production with the CCG. Ms Murphy responded that, in terms of the NHS, there was definitely room for improvement. There was a need to widen communication. Healthwatch would welcome a patient engagement strategy, which included a vision and milestones.


Mrs Bruce responded in respect of placements of young people, that there was a clear policy of not placing young people out of the borough. The figures would be provided to the Committee as part of the report on transition from Children’s to Adult Social Care. Councillor Carlebach commented that it might be parental preference that the best place for a young person was out of borough. It was not possible to provide all facilities within borough.


Members queried the role of Healthwatch in making recommendations on national proposals and how evidence was fed into the recommendations. Ms Murphy responded that there was a statutory requirement for organisations to provide a response to Healthwatch within 20 working days, in a formal manner. The response in respect of Hammersmith Hospital was due by the end of the week.


Healthwatch could submit evidence and make recommendations to the Safeguarding Board, Scrutiny Committees and Health & Wellbeing Boards. Dignity Champions were able to enter and view publicly funded health and care services, and make recommendations about how those services could or should be improved. The report was confidential for 20 days and then made public and shared with the commissioners of the service and the CCG. Providers were required to put in place an action plan to implement the recommendations.


Councillor Brown queried the awareness of members of the public in respect of Healthwatch. Ms Murphy responded that as part of the year one review, a question had been included in a residents’ survey.  26% of the local population had responded that they were aware of Healthwatch. It was hoped to increase this percentage.£8,000 had been spent on communications, including the website. Healthwatch was being pro-active in going out to the public to raise awareness and lobbying Healthwatch England to raise awareness.


Councillor Vaughan thanked Ms Murphy and Mr Wallace for attending the PAC and suggested that some of the work of Healthwatch could be dovetailed with that of the PAC. A meeting would be arranged for the Chair and Healthwatch to discuss the potential for joint working.


Action: Committee Co-ordinator



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