Agenda item

Special Motion 6 - Trades Unions


10.10pm – Councillor Max Schmid moved, seconded by Councillor Lisa Homan, the special motion standing in their names:


“The Council notes the countries and governments throughout time that have sought decry and attack the role of trades unions in their societies have been some of the worst, totalitarian regimes in history. Those have included many despicable regimes such as Apartheid South Africa, Pinochet’s Chile and the fascists regimes of Europe in the 1930s and 40s.


The Council believes that trade unions have many strengths and play an important part in representing hard working people and ensuring fairness at work. As Pope Francis says “Trades Unions have been an essential force for social change”. That said, this Council also recognises that there are weaknesses within the trades union movement and notes that at the last borough elections a Trades Unions and Socialists Against Cuts candidate chose to stand in a previously marginal Labour ward and therefore became a de-facto ally of the Conservative Party in their unsuccessful bid to hold onto control of what had been known as “Cameron’s favourite council”.


This Council considers that trades unions have an important role to play in society and expects management, members of staff, contractors and trades unions to all work together to build an effective, customer service orientated council that delivers high quality, good value services to residents with employees treated with respect, in positive working environments and on fair pay, terms and conditions.


The Council calls on the Conservative Opposition to learn the lessons of history, to stop union bashing and take a more balanced and reasoned view of trades unions."


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Harry Phibbs moved, seconded by Councillor Viya Nsumbu, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Add at end of first paragraph “… and the Soviet Union, all of which refused to allow independent trade unions.


Delete second third and fourth paragraphs and insert:


The Council further notes:

1.        The rise of Solidarnosc in Poland was crucial to that country being liberated from totalitarian Socialism to becoming a democratic country with a free market economy. As Pope Francis says “Trades Unions have been an essential force for social change”.

2.        Trade unions continue to be oppressed under totalitarian regimes today, notably in Cuba and Venezuela.

3.        Trade Unions were first legalised in the United Kingdom 1824 when the Conservative government of Lord Liverpool repealed the Combination Acts.

4.        The empowerment of trade unionists by the Margaret Thatcher governments – including the introduction of the right to mandatory secret ballots, the abolition of the closed shop and the outlawing of intimidatory mass picketing.

This Council believes that trade unions should be voluntary, independent from the state and accountable to their members.”


The amendment was put to the vote:


FOR                            20

AGAINST                   23

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared LOST.


The substantive motion was put to the vote:



FOR                            23

AGAINST                   20

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


10.11pm – RESOLVED:


The Council notes the countries and governments throughout time that have sought decry and attack the role of trades unions in their societies have been some of the worst, totalitarian regimes in history. Those have included many despicable regimes such as Apartheid South Africa, Pinochet’s Chile and the fascists regimes of Europe in the 1930s and 40s.


The Council believes that trade unions have many strengths and play an important part in representing hard working people and ensuring fairness at work. As Pope Francis says “Trades Unions have been an essential force for social change”. That said, this Council also recognises that there are weaknesses within the trades union movement and notes that at the last borough elections a Trades Unions and Socialists Against Cuts candidate chose to stand in a previously marginal Labour ward and therefore became a de-facto ally of the Conservative Party in their unsuccessful bid to hold onto control of what had been known as “Cameron’s favourite council”.


This Council considers that trades unions have an important role to play in society and expects management, members of staff, contractors and trades unions to all work together to build an effective, customer service orientated council that delivers high quality, good value services to residents with employees treated with respect, in positive working environments and on fair pay, terms and conditions.


The Council calls on the Conservative Opposition to learn the lessons of history, to stop union bashing and takea more balanced and reasoned view of trades unions.


(Councillor Sharon Holder had declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the special motion and left the room during discussion of the matter without speaking or voting thereon.)


Supporting documents: