Agenda item

Special Motion 8 - A Safer Hammersmith & Fulham


10.07pm – Councillor Greg Smith moved, seconded by Councillor Steve Hamilton, the special motion standing in their names:


“This Council:


1.    Welcomes the significant fall in crime in Hammersmith & Fulham since 2006, equating to 8,000 fewer crimes a year.


2.    Congratulates the hard work of the Borough’s police officers.


3.    Notes the significant role H&F Council has played in this success, through providing 44 extra warranted police officers, expanding the borough’s CCTV network to over 800 cameras with a 24/7 control room, funding car, bicycle and house sting operations, cracking down on problem licensed premises, introducing a borough wide controlled drinking zone and pioneering integrated offender management.


4.    Resolves to continue putting the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour at the top of its agenda.”




Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Lisa Homan moved, seconded by Councillor Caroline Needham, an amendment to the motion as follows:


Remove all after This Council and replace with:


1)    Welcomes the reduction of crime nationally and in Hammersmith & Fulham since 1996.

2)    Congratulates the hard work of the Boroughs police officers, council staff and local residents who have contributed to community safety in Hammersmith & Fulham.

3)    Express’s deep concern that the UK Statistics Authority has withdrawn official status from recorded crime figures until Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary is able to clear up the “degree of fiddling” that has taken place, and the impact this has on reliability of crime statistics in Hammersmith &Fulham. 

4)    Notes considerable concern amongst local residents that since the boroughs Safer Neighbourhood Teams have been dismantled, police visibility has dramatically decreased, and inclusive, wide reaching participation by the community in local policing matters has disappeared.

5)    Notes that Hammersmith and Fulham’s police numbers have fallen by 32 since the last local elections in 2010.

6)    Notes that in 2006, the cabinet member for residents services claimed he would deliver a 60% to 80% fall in crime and provide every ward with 24/7 neighbourhood policing. But failed to achieve even the 10% fall in crime that occurred under that last Labour Administration and is now an apologist for the cuts in ward sergeants, cuts in police numbers and the ending of the neighbourhood police teams.     

7)    Resolves to take actions to help restore falling police morale, restore neighbourhood policing and support local police so they more effectively work with residents in the continued fight against crime and anti-social behaviour in Hammersmith & Fulham.”



The amendment was put to the vote:


FOR                            12

AGAINST                   24

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared LOST.


The substantive motion was put to the vote:



FOR                            25

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            12


The motion was declared CARRIED.


10.07pm – RESOLVED:


This Council:


1.    Welcomes the significant fall in crime in Hammersmith & Fulham since 2006, equating to 8,000 fewer crimes a year.


2.    Congratulates the hard work of the Borough’s police officers.


3.    Notes the significant role H&F Council has played in this success, through providing 44 extra warranted police officers, expanding the borough’s CCTV network to over 800 cameras with a 24/7 control room, funding car, bicycle and house sting operations, cracking down on problem licensed premises, introducing a borough wide controlled drinking zone and pioneering integrated offender management.


4.    Resolves to continue putting the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour at the top of its agenda.


Supporting documents: