Agenda item

Special Motion 2 - Halt Council Plans for Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue to become an Articulated Lorry Thoroughfare


10.10pm – Councillor Wesley Harcourt moved, seconded by Councillor Max Schmid, the special motion standing in their names:


“The Council notes that it currently plans the following detrimental measures for Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue:


  • “Heavy vehicle access to the depot during the Earls Court development will be from Beaumont Avenue and emergency access will be from Aisgill Avenue.”
  • “Large 77ft long articulated lorries will access/egress the LUL depot site approximately 6-9 times a day from Beaumont Avenue.”
  • “Very long 99ft lorries will need to access the site approximately 4 times a year.”
  • “There are also 60 parking spaces on the LUL depot site for transit vans that will need to access/egress the site throughout the day.”


It also notes that Conservative councillors chose not to consult any residents. Instead CapCo, the developer, was consulted extensively.


The Council recognises that this plan has been badly thought through, that it will increase the danger of road accidents, it will cause unacceptable levels of extra traffic, extra noise and extra dust and it will detrimentally affect property prices.


The Council therefore resolves to halt current plans to use Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue for these purposes and instead find other routes acceptable to and in consultation with residents.”


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Tom Crofts moved, seconded by Councillor Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler an amendment to the motion as follows:


Replace title of Motion and insert “Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue traffic”


Delete all after “this Council” and insert:

“Notes that:

  1. The Earl’s Court development will bring huge benefits to local people, not least to the residents of Beaumont Avenue and West Kensington.
  2. The TfL depot at Earls Court currently has two main access gates at Lillie Road and Beaumont Avenue, but that the Lillie Road entrance will not be available for TfL in the initial phases of the Earls Court development.
  3. During this time, there will be (i) a regrettable increase in TfL traffic accessing the depot and Ashfield House (including HGV vehicles) through the existing gate at Beaumont Avenue and (ii) the need for an emergency access gate to the depot at Aisgill Avenue.


This Council welcomes measures taken to mitigate the disturbance to residents of Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue, including:

·         The maintenance of two-way traffic in Beaumont Avenue for the duration of the works.

·         The widening of the road by moving CPZ parking spaces onto the pavement in Beaumont Avenue.

·         The maintenance of residents’ parking spaces in Beaumont Avenue (with the loss of only one car parking space which will be replaced within the zone).

·         The requirement that any works will be done to Street Smart standards.

·         Lobbying TfL to vacate Ashfield House at the earliest opportunity - so as to lead to an overall reduction in commercial traffic using Beaumont Avenue for the duration of the works.

·         A requirement that these mitigation measures will be fully funded by the developers


This Council further commits itself to working with residents, TfL and the developer to further reduce any disturbance to residents at Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue by TfL traffic.”


The amendment was put to the vote:


FOR                            25

AGAINST                   12

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


The substantive motion as amended was put to the vote:


FOR                            25

AGAINST                   12

NOT VOTING            0


The motion as amended was declared CARRIED.



10.10pm – RESOLVED:


Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue traffic


This Council notes that:


1.    The Earl’s Court development will bring huge benefits to local people, not least to the residents of Beaumont Avenue and West Kensington.


2.    The TfL depot at Earls Court currently has two main access gates at Lillie Road and Beaumont Avenue, but that the Lillie Road entrance will not be available for TfL in the initial phases of the Earls Court development.


3.    During this time, there will be (i) a regrettable increase in TfL traffic accessing the depot and Ashfield House (including HGV vehicles) through the existing gate at Beaumont Avenue and (ii) the need for an emergency access gate to the depot at Aisgill Avenue.


This Council welcomes measures taken to mitigate the disturbance to residents of Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue, including:

·         The maintenance of two-way traffic in Beaumont Avenue for the duration of the works.

·         The widening of the road by moving CPZ parking spaces onto the pavement in Beaumont Avenue.

·         The maintenance of residents’ parking spaces in Beaumont Avenue (with the loss of only one car parking space which will be replaced within the zone).

·         The requirement that any works will be done to Street Smart standards.

·         Lobbying TfL to vacate Ashfield House at the earliest opportunity - so as to lead to an overall reduction in commercial traffic using Beaumont Avenue for the duration of the works.

·         A requirement that these mitigation measures will be fully funded by the developers


This Council further commits itself to working with residents, TfL and the developer to further reduce any disturbance to residents at Beaumont Avenue and Aisgill Avenue by TfL traffic.


Supporting documents: