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Community Safety and Environment Policy and Accountability Committee

This page lists the meetings for Community Safety and Environment Policy and Accountability Committee.


Information about Community Safety and Environment Policy and Accountability Committee

Principal Functions

·            To discharge of the functions and responsibilities of a Crime and Disorder Committee in accordance with section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006 and regulations made under section 20 of the Act.

·            To discharge of functions contained in S.9FH of Schedule 2 to the Localism Act 2011 to review and scrutinise the exercise by flood risk management authorities of flood risk management functions which may affect the local authority’s area

·            To develop policy within the scope of the Committee and make recommendations to the Cabinet

·            Monitor the administration and spending in services within its scope

·            To review the impact of decisions and policies implemented by the Council

·            Lead responsibility for scrutinising the relevant Cabinet Member(s)



·           transport, including roads maintenance, other transport infrastructure

·           parking policy, traffic management and the relationship with TfL.

·            planning policy and performance and the impact of developments on transport infrastructure and the environment.

·           the local environment

·           Street Scene

·           parks and open spaces

·           recycling and environmental sustainability

·           waste disposal, street cleansing, refuse collection,

·           cemeteries

·           biodiversity

·           quality of life

·           community safety

·           tackling anti-social behaviour

·           licensing and gambling.

·           neighbourhood governance

·           any other matter referred by the Finance & Delivery PAC


Note: Planning decisions cannot be scrutinised