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Overview & Scrutiny Board

This page lists the meetings for Overview & Scrutiny Board.


Information about Overview & Scrutiny Board

  • The coordination, and development of the Council’s Scrutiny function and the monitoring of its performance


  • Any aspect of the Council's strategic policy formulation, setting and monitoring of the corporate budget, oversight of finance and use of resources,  performance management (including external assessment of the Authority and its services) human resources, central support services, and organisational development and strategic partnerships outside the scope of any other Scrutiny Committee.


  • To monitor the development, implementation and operation of the governance, structures and processes in respect of joint working with other local authorities save for matters within specific service areas which fall within the remit of other Select Committees.


  • Reviewing the adequacy of the steps taken and decisions made in response to petitions made under the Council’s Petitions Scheme, in cases where a review has been requested.


  • Other functions of the Council (including major cross-cutting issues).


  • Lead responsibility for scrutinising the relevant Cabinet Member(s).