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Policy and Oversight Board

This page lists the meetings for Policy and Oversight Board.

Information about Policy and Oversight Board

Principal Functions

All the powers of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 and Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, and in particular:

·       The coordination, and development of the Council’s Policy and Scrutiny function and the monitoring of its performance.

·       To develop policy and make recommendations to the Cabinet.

·       Monitor the administration and spending of Council services.

·       To review the impact of decisions and policies implemented by the Council.

·       Scrutinising the relevant Cabinet Member(s).



·       Creation and monitoring of new policy development via the Policy and Accountability Committees

·       Considering the corporate budget.

·       Development of long-term savings plans within the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

·       Oversight of finance and use of resources.

·       Performance management (including external assessment of the Authority and its services).

·       Managed and shared services and other joint working with outside bodies.

·       Electoral and other registration services.

·       The Council’s communication strategy.

·       Procurement and management of IT services.

·       The development, implementation and operation of the governance, structure and processes in respect of joint working with other authorities, save for matters within specific service areas which fall within the remit of the PACs.

·       Research, innovation, and the Council’s continuous improvement and cultural change agenda.

·       All human resources and organisation development functions.

·       The Council’s customer care and complaints services.

·       Corporate Programmes and assurance.

·       Other major cross-cutting functions of the Council.