Venue: Online - Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: David Abbott Email:
Link: Watcha recording of the meeting on YouTube
No. | Item |
Welcome, apologies for absence, declarations of interest Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Steve Curran (Hounslow) – Councillor Shantanu Rajawat attended in his place.
Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Muhammed Butt (Brent)
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 252 KB Minutes: RESOLVED The minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2021 were approved.
Minutes: David Pack (West London Alliance) gave a short presentation on the report which updated the Board on work at the sub-regional level to support West London’s economic recovery.
Councillor Henson asked if the plan needed to be fine-tuned to account for the impact of rising energy costs on communities and smaller businesses. The Chair, Councillor Cowan, echoes those concerns and noted that some businesses were seeing huge price rises from increased energy costs. David Pack added that the also end of the furlough scheme should also be factored in.
The Chair, Councillor Cowan, asked for the plan to be reviewed by the next meeting to account for rising energy prices, fuel bills and the impact of the end of the furlough scheme. ACTION: David Pack
1. The Board note and commented on the progress in delivering activity under the West London Build & Recover plan.
2. The Board noted work underway to make West London’s case to government and to engage businesses in West London’s economic recovery
West London Innovation District Concept PDF 428 KB Additional documents: Minutes: David Pack (West London Alliance) gave a presentation on the report showing the current picture of government investment in innovation across West London and initial analysis to understand the impact this can have on supporting economies in the UK more widely.
The Chair, Councillor Cowan, welcomed the report and spoke about the effectiveness of introducing a borough industrial strategy in Hammersmith & Fulham with Imperial College in 2014. His experience was that it brought in private investment capital and the goal should not just be to attract Government funding. He asked officers to look at the factors in other innovation districts across the world and consider what the pitch to the private sector should be. David Pack agreed that would be useful.
ACTION: David Pack
Councillor Thomas asked for clarity about the financial benefits of setting up innovation districts. The Chair, Councillor Cowan, explained that innovation districts could be created to attract entrepreneurs, start-ups, and businesses. They tended to be areas with good infrastructure and strong links with research and development institutions, academia, and busines. There was Government funding available to support the districts and they could also attract private investment.
1. The Board noted the mapping work undertaken to better understand the innovation landscape across West London and suggested analysis to develop this further.
2. The Board noted the initial analysis undertaken to understand innovation investment in West London and how that can benefit other parts of the UK.
3. The Board noted the potential to explore how best to support and enable green innovation across West London.
West London Orbital (standing item) PDF 274 KB Minutes: Andrew Barry-Purssell (West London Alliance) gave a presentation on the report. The report provided an update on work with Transport for London and Network Rail to develop the business case for the West London Orbital. He noted the project oversight group had met for the first time and agreed a revised set of objectives, including social and environmental issues. He also noted that, while technical work was ongoing, the project team were looking at building support for it and welcome ideas on promotion.
Board members expressed their support for the scheme.
The Chair, Councillor Cowan, suggested that the Task Force and the Business Board chaired by John Holland-Kaye could formally endorse the project.
Councillor Tatler said the project would have a big impact on Brent and it supported some of Brent’s most deprived areas. She felt it was important to show the public support behind the project and suggested a roadshow to raise public awareness and support.
The Chair, Councillor Cowan, asked if TfL funding issues would affect the project. Andrew Barry-Purssell said there was a substantial issue there. Funding was in place for the current stage of the project, so work was continuing – and the Mayor was committed to the project. However, the team were looking at wider funding avenues.
John Hooton (Chief Executive, Barnet) said in his view there was a danger of waiting for discussions on funding – members should get out there and make the case and lever in funding rather than waiting for TfL. The Chair, Councillor Cowan, agreed.
The Chair, Councillor Cowan, said the project had the wholehearted support of the West London Alliance and the West London Economic Prosperity Board.
1. The Board noted progress in development of the business case for the WLO.
2. The Board noted the proposed arrangements for funding the project from Strategic Investment Pot resources held by the West London Alliance.
WLA Economy & Skills Programme Updates PDF 339 KB Minutes: David Pack (West London Alliance) presented the report that provided brief updates on the various elements of the West London Alliance’s Economy & Skills Programme in line with the themes set out in the annual business plan, including good employment and the right skills, West London Orbital and mobility, and tomorrow’s digital economy.
Councillor Henson congratulated the West London Alliance team on winning the Transforming Lives Award for the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) project at the MJ Awards. The IPS project provided dedicated and intensive employment support, targeted at the 15,000 people using drug and alcohol dependency services across West London. The team were also highly commended in the Inclusion and Diversity award category for work to recruit 1,400 West London residents from diverse backgrounds into roles at NHS mass vaccination centres
1. The Board noted the updates provided on the West London Alliance’s Economy & Skills Programme.
Minutes: A draft forward plan for the Board’s upcoming three meetings was presented for information.
RESOLVED The Board noted the draft forward plan.