Agenda and minutes

Housing and Homelessness Policy and Accountability Committee - Monday, 17th September, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Small Hall - Hammersmith Town Hall

Contact: David Abbott  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 329 KB

 To agree the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 2 July 2018


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2018 were agreed as an accurate record.




'Delivering the Industrial Strategy - Economic Growth for Everyone' - Progress Update pdf icon PDF 423 KB

This report sets out the progress that has been made on implementing the Council’s Industrial Strategy – Economic Growth for Everyone, which was launched in 2017.


David Burns, Assistant Director Growth and Place, introduced the report which provided details on the progress which had been made on implementing the Council’s Industrial Strategy – Economic Growth for Everyone - which was launched in the summer of 2017.


Introducing the Industrial Strategy, David Burns explained that it was underpinned by 4 key themes which were:

?        West Tech, which aimed to establish an innovation district around White City, focusing on an Innovation and Growth Partnership between the Council and Imperial College.

?        Encouraging Enterprise, which aimed to deliver more affordable workspace, drive superfast broadband and take an ‘economic and social value’ approach to procurement, to create new opportunities for local firms and jobs and training for residents.

?        A Great Place in London, which is aimed at improving town centres, promoting and developing the Borough’s Arts, Culture and Leisure scene; taking steps to improve the reputation of Hammersmith & Fulham internationally; and building 10,000 new homes.

?        People – Economic Growth for All, which aimed to ensure that all residents share in the Borough’s economic prosperity by leveraging relationships with anchor institutions, improving local supply chains and developing tailored apprenticeship and employment and training and business start-up support packages.


The report focused primarily on the activities and achievements of the Partnership for Growth and Innovation between the Council and Imperial College, known as Upstream, which was launched in January 2018.


It was noted that Upstreams’ role was to support innovation, collaboration and business growth, with an overall aim to make the borough a place to thrive and help transform White City into an innovation district. Upstreams’ specific focus and area of expertise was in the biotech, digital and creative industries.


Councillor Andrew Jones, explained how the work of the Industrial Strategy and Upstream were closely inter-related and how Hammersmith was fortunate to be within a golden zone of thriving offices and connectivity. Details were provided about the partnership working with Imperial College and the goal of building and feeding into the success of the White City campus. Councillor Andrew Jones explained the rationale was to develop White City into an innovation district along similar lines to those which had been pioneered in the United States at Cornell.


Put in the context of the wider Industrial Strategy, Councillor Andrew Jones explained the Council needed to ensure it was in a position to offer affordable office space through innovative use of the Planning regime. The key was to ensure Hammersmith was seen as an attractive environment for start-ups and to link business and cultural developments together in a symbiotic way. Concluding his initial remarks, Councillor Andrew Jones underlined how successful Upstreams’ involvement had been to date, commended the innovation of their website and underlined that West London was an important hub for business and development nationally.


Councillor Adronie Alford noted the shortage of office accommodation within the Borough, and asked what steps were being taken to address the shortfall. Jo Rowlands explained that office space (with high fixed costs) and start-up space were different  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.




The Chair introduced the item. It was noted that the Committee would be looking at the Arts Commission at its next meeting. Ideas for future meetings included the role of High Streets and ways in which these might be revitalised and broadband rollout in the borough. Committee Members were encouraged to contact the Chair with any potential topics they might have.