Venue: Online - Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Amrita White, Governance
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Minutes of the last meeting To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.
Aidan Smith noted that the first paragraph of point 8 on page 6 was mentioned twice.
High Needs Transformation Update 2023/24 Quarter 2 Minutes: Gary Kynaston, Hammersmith Academy (Chair), began the meeting by congratulating Tony Burton (Head of Finance for Children’s Services and Education) on his work and the work of his team around the rework of the budget, the relaunched consultation, and budget information workshops provided for schools. The Chair also highlighted that the Census data might change the school level allocations and total final funding on the school’s block. Additionally, the Chair noted the pressures on Local Authorities and schools from constrained funding within the wider economic context.
Peter Haylock (Director of Education and SEND) presented the report that provided an update on the current position and progress of the transformation program across the High Needs Block.
The Chair highlighted that the bidding process was due to be released in January. The Chair asked for clarification on the bidding process and the associated time scales. Daryle Mathurin (Strategic Lead - Education, Assets, and Operations) confirmed that schools would be briefed ahead of the bidding process in January. Daryle Mathurin reassured the forum that school partners would be clear on expectations.
Dave Colins (Brackenbury School) highlighted that there had recently been some confusion around the bidding process in recent headteacher forums. Dave Colins suggested if a further briefing could be sent to schools for further clarification. There seemed to be additional capacity in mainstream schools and not special schools.
Daryle Mathurin informed the forum that officers had been working in collaboration with Headteachers. Daryle Mathurin also confirmed that officers had been engaging with schools where there was an existing pilot.
The Chair suggested that officers provide a short briefing note that would clarify the purpose and requirements of the bidding process. ACTION: Daryle Mathurin
RESOLVED The Schools Forum noted the report.
Schools Block to High Needs Block Transfer Disapplication Request Additional documents:
Minutes: Tony Burton (Head of Finance for Children’s Services and Education) presented the report and its recommendations. The recommendations outlined that the Schools Forum approved the 1% disapplication request from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block for the 2024/25 financial year.
Tony Burton highlighted that five consultation responses were received in total. The five responses included mainstream primary and secondary schools and one non-mainstream school. The majority of responses from the consultation were positive. Comments were made around the need for continued support for the High Needs Block in the borough to make it sustainable.
The consultation response from the non-mainstream school outlined that they were unsure around the national picture and sustainability of the High Needs Block as a whole.
RESOLVED The Schools Forum approved the following recommendations:
Schools Forum approves the 1% disapplication request from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block for the 2024/25 financial year
Schools Block Mainstream Budget 2024/25 Update Additional documents:
Minutes: Tony Burton (Head of Finance for Children’s Services and Education) presented the report and its recommendations. This sets out the updated provisional modelling for mainstream school budget shares 2024/25 following the funding allocation correction notified by the Department for Education in October 2023.
Joe Brown (Old Oak Primary School) asked officers to explain what growth means? Tony Burton responded that the Department of Education and the Education and Skills Funding Agency define growth as not growing schools. In December 2023 the final allocation will takes place. When the Census is known on a national level, the department from the Education and Skills Funding Agency can allocate additional growth funding into the baselines for Local Authority funding levels. This is dependent on the national position and what is affordable within the school’s budget after the national Census update has taken place.
Tony Burton also highlighted that the timescales are tight in January. It is important that the Schools Forum is clear about how funding is allocated through this model ahead of funding being received.
Peter Haylock (Director of Education and SEND) emphasized that the key factor for the Schools Forum to remember is that the forum is agreeing on a principal and not a funding amount.
RESOLVED The Schools Forum noted the report.
Any other business Minutes: Peter Haylock (Director of Education and SEND) highlighted that the discussion with Queensmill School is still ongoing.