Agenda and draft minutes

Schools Forum - Tuesday, 25th March, 2014 5.00 pm

Venue: The Randolph Beresford Early Years Centre, Australia Road, London W12 7PH

Contact: Craig Bowdery 

No. Item


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2014.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2014 be approved as a correct record.



Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.



School organisation and investment strategy 2014 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

A report from the Cabinet Member for Education and the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, to be considered by the Cabinet on 7th April 2014, is attached with the proposed Strategy appended


Additional documents:


Ian Heggs presented a report on the School Organisation and Investment Strategy for 2014 based on projected pupil numbers. Since the report was written, school offers had been issued with secondary places broadly similar to last year with primary places down.


The Forum discussed the large developments in the area that had the potential to create additional demand for places. Officers explained that whilst it was difficult to plan precisely, all available information had been captured with two different population projections used. All major developments in the area (except Old Oak Common) had therefore been captured and planned for. It was also suggested that the developments could release funding from developers through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), however education funding appeared as a low priority on the draft development lists.


It was asked whether any consideration had been given to extending provision up to 25 year olds with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Officers explained that the Council would be reviewing this issue and carrying out a group analysis to address changing patterns of need.



That the report be noted.



School Funding Arrangements pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To receive a report setting out the school funding arrangements for 2014/15


Additional documents:


The Forum received a report from Andy Rennison outlining the proposed school funding arrangements for 2014/15. He noted that the principles approved by the Forum at its January meeting had been agreed by the EFA (Education Funding Agency). It was also reported that the High Needs funding continued to be challenging with a change in how SEN pupils were funded. With funding for Special Schools tied to historical capacity numbers, top-up funding would be applied per unit, for example when there was a discrepancy between capacity numbers and expected numbers in Special Schools. Alison Farmer also informed the Forum that two High Needs Block Reference Groups had been established to fully discuss the allocation of top-up funding, and that more representation from secondary Special Schools was required.



That the report be noted and the deployment of the High Needs Block and Early Years Block be agreed.



Two year old programme update pdf icon PDF 153 KB

A report from the Tri-borough Executive Director of Children's Services is attached



Tim Gibson presented a report updating the Forum on the expansion of the Two Year Old Programme aimed at supporting disadvantaged children and low income parents by providing early learning places. Further details would be presented to a future Forum meeting, but it was highlighted that there was currently an underspend for the programme.


It was asked whether there was a risk that the unspent funding could be at risk. Officers explained that there was a low risk of this happening and that the borough was currently broadly providing enough places to meet demand. In future it was proposed that the funding would be participation-based (ie according to how many places delivered rather than those provided), but the risk was still low.


The Forum expressed concern that there appeared to not be a strategy in place to guide the allocation of funding. One headteacher explained that he had bid for some funding in July 2013 to provide places, but he had still not heard the outcome of his bid. It was asked how the funding could be decided without a clear strategy that could be communicated to providers, especially as the programme concerned the provision of places for a short twelve month period. Officers explained that a coherent strategy was being developed for two, three and four year olds with data still being collated. The Forum was of the view that working with two year olds was particularly complex (for example given the impact on required pupil/staff ratios) and that a report on a two year old strategy should be prepared for the June Forum meeting.

Action: Dave McNamara



That the report be noted.




Free School Meals - Key Stage 1 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

A report from the Head of Resources updating on the expansion of Free School Meals for Key Stage 1 pupils is attached



The Forum received a report from Andrew Tagg, Head of Resources, Children’s Services, updating on Government’s announcement that every Key Stage 1 pupil would receive a free school meal from September 2014. The precise allocation of funding would be reported at the September Forum meeting, with discussions ongoing regarding whether funding should be targeted or spread to all eligible schools. Some Forum members suggested that if the funding was too little to make a difference, then it should be targeted to make a positive impact.


The Forum also discussed the current school meals contract and the work to develop a tri-borough contract for provision. The intention was to allow schools to choose a provider from a framework contract, but there were some issues as meals in Hammersmith & Fulham tended to be both more expensive and of a lower quality so there was a challenge to align the provision. Given the current provision, it was expected that H&F schools would therefore benefit from a levelling across the tri-borough.


Some concern was also expressed regarding the potential impact on the pupil premium, which was based on free school meals eligibility. It was reported that there were a number of consultations underway to identify alternative indicators for the pupil premium. Pupil premium eligibility was also based on a six year rolling average, so the impact for most schools would not be immediately apparent.



That the report be noted.



School Audit programme pdf icon PDF 100 KB

A report on the school audit programme for 2014/15 from the Tri-Borough Director of Finance is attached



Dave McNamara presented the School Audit Programme for 2014/15 and noted that with the service now tri-borough, there was less capacity for dates to be amended. He also explained that the audit programme presented was the minimum audit activity for the year, with additional audits done when necessary (for example if a new Head was appointed).


The Forum welcomed the improved consistency of standards and expectations, however it was asked if greater clarity could be given regarding what was best practise and what was a formal requirement. Recommendations from auditors were not always clear and officers undertook to provide discuss with audit whether this was possible.


The consistency of the people making the judgements was also discussed, and it was asked how the auditors were quality assured. Officers explained that if a school disagreed with an audit, that audit was reviewed and assessed. As a tri-borough service, it was now a lot easier to manage the contract and demand consistency.


The Forum also requested that a checklist of all policies and strategies that required formal approval each year be prepared, which officers undertook to develop.

Action: Dave McNamara



That the report be noted.



Date of next meeting

It is proposed that the next meeting take place at 2pm on Monday 16th June 2014.



It was agreed that the next meeting would take place at 2pm on Monday 16th June 2014 at the Hammersmith Academy.