Agenda and minutes

Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust Committee - Monday, 7th October, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Courtyard Room, Hammersmith Town Hall

Contact: Craig Bowdery  Principal Committee Coordinator

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Declarations of interest

If a Councillor has any prejudicial or personal interest in a particular item

they should declare the existence and nature of the interest at the

commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it

becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in

attendance and speak, any Councillor with a prejudicial interest may

also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about

the matter. The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the

meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken unless a

dispensation has been obtained from the Standards Committee.


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance, then

the Councillor with a prejudicial interest should withdraw from the

meeting whilst the matter is under consideration unless the disability has

been removed by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.




To receive a report from the Chief Executive on the establishment of the Committee, its terms of reference and issues for the Committee’s future consideration.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Chief Executive giving background to the formation of the Committee and presenting the Terms of reference.


The Chair explained that he was grateful to be chairing the Committee as he had been a long-term user of the Scrubs. He also highlighted his gratitude to the Friends of Wormwood Scrubs for their contribution to the Committee’s establishment and welcomed three of the members of the Friends to the meeting.



i)                    That Cllr Joe Carlebach be appointed Chairman for the 2013/14 municipal year;

ii)                  That the membership and Terms of Reference of the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust Committee be noted; and

iii)                That the key issues and work plan outlined in the report be noted.




To receive the financial statements for the Trust for 2012/13 (including the Annual Trustee’s Report and the Statement of Accounts) and the independent auditor’s opinion of the accounts.



Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Director for Finance & Resources and Environment, Leisure & Residents Services presenting the financial statements for the Scrubs for 2012/13, including the independent auditor’s opinion.


Officers highlighted that the Scrubs’ income was less than its expenditure and that it was using its reserve funds, which were currently £399,403. The challenge for forthcoming years was therefore to increase the income generated by the Scrubs as in 2012/13 they made a loss of £171,652, meaning the current financial position could not be sustained for more than two years.


In response to a question, officers explained that the main asset of the Scrubs was the car park, which was valued in 2004 at £5million based on its income. The Trust’s other asset (the land) was given by Act of Parliament for the use of the inhabitants of London in perpetuity, and as such it is valued at £1 as the Trust does not have the power to dispose of it.


Members of the audience questioned the running costs of the Scrubs and argued that when the Council’s land management contract was let to Quadron the costs for the Trust rose significantly. Officers explained that the Quadron contract had three elements to it – management of the Trust’s land, parks in the Borough and the green spaces adjoining public housing. Previously all three elements were carried out by a direct labour force by the Council with inexact accounting that made it very difficult to ascertain how much each element cost. The contract was let competitively on an open market and the tender with the lowest running costs was selected. It was acknowledged that there had not been a separate specification in the contract for the Trust’s land and the other parks, but this did not mean that one element was funding the other. The Chair recognised that running costs were a valid concern and explained that as a new Committee, it would be looking at all expenditure very carefully and would seek any opportunities to negotiate a better deal.


Members of the public also voiced their concerns at proposals to build a viaduct over land to the north of the Scrubs as part of plans for a Crossrail / High Speed 2 rail hub at Old Oak Common. It was argued that whilst the need for development was recognised, the plans would have a severely detrimental impact on an important breeding ground for birds and that the Scrubs would suffer from the increased pedestrian traffic. It was noted that the Friends had already collected 2,500 signatures in opposition to the plans. The Chairman explained that there were no concrete plans yet released and that the Committee would await any firm proposals before commenting, but assured the Friends that any plans would be assessed robustly for their impact on the Scrubs. It was proposed and agreed that the Chairman would write to Transport for London reminding them that the Trust should be consulted as early on as possible and separately  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



To receive a report from the Director for Finance & Resources presenting the financial forecast for 2013/14.



The Committee received a report from the Principal Account Environment, Leisure & Residents Services presenting the financial forecast for the 2013/14 year. Officers highlighted that a loss of £158,580 by the year’s end was forecast. It was also reported that £304,000 of capital improvement works for the Linford Christie Stadium had been approved. Officers undertook to provide further details on what this investment would go towards.


Post-meeting note

Officers have provided the following update:


The proposed works are to be carried out at Linford Christie Stadium and consist of the upgrading of the clubhouse kitchen, general internal refurbishment of changing rooms, remedial works to the roof coverings, plus refurbishment and upgrade of toilets and washing areas to the male changing room. The facilities and catering equipment supporting the clubhouse kitchen, are in an extremely poor condition and are no longer fit for purpose. All of the proposed works are essential and need to be undertaken to improve the standards, avoid the loss of potential income and to safeguard the reputation of the facility. The works initially identified as part of the Planned Maintenance Programme have been amalgamated with the minor improvement works required by the client department to mitigate disruption to the centre users. Consequently these works are to be funded jointly from the Council's 2012/2013 Corporate Planned Maintenance  Programme and Section 106 contributions in the total sum of £304,117. The works are to be procured via the Council’s Measured Term Contract for Non Housing Projects 2011/2015 with Mulalley & Company Limited and they are the contractor that offers the maximum discount of the three framework contractors.



That the report be noted.



The Wormwood Scrubs Management Plan pdf icon PDF 772 KB

To review and receive the management plan for the Scrubs



The Committee received the land management plan for the Scrubs and the Chairman thanked the Friends for their contribution to its development.



That the Management Plan be noted and approved.



Date of next meeting

It is proposed that the next meeting take place on Monday 31st March 2014.



It was agreed that the Committee’s next meeting would take place in December 2013 at a date to be confirmed.