Agenda and decisions

Decisions made between March and April 2016, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Friday, 8th April, 2016

No. Item


Funding Carry Over: Rogue Landlord Project pdf icon PDF 235 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 24 March 2016


That approval be given to carry over grant funding awarded by the DCLG into the new financial year until 30 June in line with expenditure to be incurred to complete the project.


Leadership Development Programme pdf icon PDF 145 KB


Decision taken by Cabinet Member on 22 February 2016


That approval is given for expenditure up to £45,000 for senior leadership development.


ICO Undertaking: Funding Required for Resources pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by Cabinet Member on 11 March 2016


1.    Cabinet Member to approve funding from Human Resources Reserve and cover the cost of H&F’s immediate compliance requirement, in the first instance, and initiate the longer term approach.

2.    Retrospectively waive the provisions of Contract Standing Orders to seek 3 competitive quotations/tenders and award a contract to Devoted Security Solutions Ltd (Company Registration No. 08839587) to deliver the H&F requirements to the ICO Undertaking in the first instance and initiate the longer term project in the sum of £25,350.

3.    Issue a Work Package Request to HFBP relating to (a) the acquistion of licenses to work WCC’s datea protection modules from their e-learning platform with H&F paying a 1/3 share of an annual £1,500 support cost, of £500; and (b) the acquistion of licences to use RBKC’s Net Consent at £8.14 per liscense for 3,500 H&F users (£28,490) plus first year of annual support (£12,000).

4.    Note that the total, estimated cost to date is £66,340, but to allow for a contingency due to the high risk of overspend. The total programme/project will be capped at a total of £95,000.


Funding Approval For Implementation of Collaborative Working Platform Inc. Sharepoint Inranet pdf icon PDF 205 KB


Decision taken by Cabinet Member on 25 November 2015


1.    The Cabinet Member for Finance approve the implementation of a shared intranet project across the three councils at a total cost of £120,000

2.    The Cabinet Member for Finance also approve H&F’s proportion of the cost of the project in the sume of £40,000 which will be funded from the IT Enabler’s fund. Funding for the project is to be equally apportioned across all three councils.


Business Intelligence Technology Upgrade pdf icon PDF 490 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 7 April 2016


1.    To fund one analyst from the interim market for a period of 5 months to free analyst capacity to focus on service development. The estimated cost of this is £38,500.

2.    To fund a technical architect for five months at a cost of £53,000 to design a technical architecture for the service, develop the business case and start implementation.

3.    To draw funding from underspend from the BI shared service pilot.

4.    That the remaining underspend estimated at £272,500 is held, pending the delivery of a further business plan as the service develops and further income/savings are delivered.




Approval of The 2016/17 Highway Maintenance Work Programme pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 21 March 2016:


1.    Approve the programme in Appendix B, with provision to make adjustments during the year as necessary.


2.    That authority is delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Resident Services, in conjunction with the Director for Transport and Technical Services, to make amendments to the programme as agreed for operational and cost effective reasons, in order to make the optimum use of resources.


3.    That report and updates on programme amendments (additonal and removals) to the approved scheme list be made, as and when required, during the year to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services.




Approval to Proceed to Tender for a Shared Service Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Services Contract for Penalty Change Notice (PCN) Debt Recovery pdf icon PDF 212 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 21 March 2016:


1.    That approval is given to undertake a joint tendering exercise for RBKC and H&F to procure a shared enforcement agent service to recover outstanding PCN debts for RBKC and H&F for a term of seven years with the option for a break clause in years three, and five to review performance.


2.    That H&F is considered the lead borough for the procurement process, but it is desired that both councils would have the same contract and terms with the same provider. Each borough will enter into individual contracts to preserve sovereignty.


3.    That it be noted that this is a concessions contract which is not subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and that being a concessions contract where thre are statutory recovery fees the award criteria to be used shall be primarily quality based (to be detailed in the final Instructions of Tenderers).


Cleaner, Greener & Cultural Services Fees and Charges Proposals 2016 -2017 pdf icon PDF 162 KB


Decision taken by Cabinet Member on 21 March 2016:


That the proposed fees and charges are set out in Appendix A are agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services.




Nomination of LA Governor - John Betts Primary School pdf icon PDF 142 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 8 April 2016:


That Ms Mabel McKeown is nominated for appointment as LA Governor for John Betts Primary School for a four-year term of office


Market And Street Trading Fees and Charges Proposals 2016 -17 pdf icon PDF 126 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member of 21 March 2016:


That the proposed fees and charges set out in Appendix A are agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Resident Services.


Recruitment of Interim Director for Resident Statistician pdf icon PDF 103 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 21 April 2016:


That the Cabinet Member for Commerical Revenue and Resident Satisfaction agree that the Commercial Director recruit an interim Director of Resident Satisfacrtion for an initial period of six months to develop and deliver the resident satisfaction strategy and action plan.


Appointment of The Writer to Provide Training for Better Writing pdf icon PDF 103 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 27 April 2016:


The Cabinet Member for Commercial Revenue and Resident Satisfaction agree that The Writer be appointed to deliver the programme set out in the Scope of Works document appended to this report.  


Fees and Charges - Private Sector Housing pdf icon PDF 242 KB


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 18 April 2016:


1.    Approval to charge two years HMO licences at the same rate as five year HMO licences, approximately £1,200 for an average size HMO.

2.    Approval to charge and include an ‘assisted fee’ as part of the HMO licensing fee at £283.

3.    Approval to charge a fee of £243 for professional advice to landlords to raise standards in HMOs.

4.    Approval to charge a £5,000 fee for penalty charge notice for non-compliance with a remedial notice.




Contract Award for the Provision of Financial and Funding Advice and Support for the Strategic Housing Stock Transfer Programme


Decision taken by Cabinet Member on 24 March 2016



That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved


Contract Variation for Additional Ground Level Resident Engagement and Insight Work to Further Inform the Strategic Housing Stock Transfer Programme's Offer Document


Decision taken by Cabinet Member on 24 March 2016


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved



Approval to Waive The Contract Standing Orders in Order for the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care to Directly Award a Contract for the Provision of a Specialist Dual Diagnosis Service For Homeless People with Complex Needs


Decision taken by Cabinet Members on 11 March 2016


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved


Universal Credit, Delivery Partnership Agreement 2015/16


Decision taken by Cabinet Members on 7 March 2016


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report to be approved.


Procurement of a Consultancy to Undertake a Public Consultation on Improving the Private Rented Sector


Approval to Utilise the First of Two Extension Periods Available and Modify The Thomas Pocklington Trust Accommodation Contract for People with Visual Impairment



Decision taken by Cabinet Members on 5 February 2016


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Approval to Utilise the Two Extension Periods Available in the Metropolitan Spring Cottage Contract for Homeless Teenage Mothers


Decision taken by Cabinet Members on 1 April 2016:


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.


Land Sale - Section of Land between Number 6 and Number 7 Weavers Terrace, Micklewaite Road London SW6 1QE


Decision Taken by Cabinet Member on 15 April 2016


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.