Agenda and decisions

Decisions made in March 2015, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Thursday, 26th March, 2015

No. Item


H&F ICT Transition Programme Management pdf icon PDF 167 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 10 March 2015


That approval be given to the costs of delivering Phase 1 programme management for the transition to new providers during 2015/16. Approval is sought for a total of £39,843 to be funded from the IT Enablers fund.



Appointment Of A Council Representative To The Western Riverside Waste Authority pdf icon PDF 148 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 5 March 2015


1.    To note the resignation of Councillor Michael Cartwright from the Western Riverside Waste Authority Board of Directors with immediately effect.


2.    That Councillor Larry Culhane be appointed as a Council representative on the Western Riverside Waste Authority Board of Directors from 27th February 2015 with the appointment expiring on 31st March 2015.


3.    That Councillor Michael Cartwright be appointed to replace Councillor Larry Culhane on the Western Riverside Waste Authority Board of Directors from the 1st April 2015 until 16th June 2018.



Redress Scheme For Lettings Agency And Property Management Operators pdf icon PDF 285 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services on: 16 March 2015


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for the Cabinet Member for Housing on: 20 March 2015


1.            To delegate the implementation and enforcement of The Redress Schemes for Lettings Agency Work and Property Management Work (Requirement to Belong to a Scheme etc.) (England) Order 2014 to the Director for Environmental Health.


2.            To note that the day to day enforcement of the Order will be undertaken by officers in the Trading Standards Service in accordance with the existing authorisation in the Council’s constitution.


3.            To agree that the monetary penalty for non-compliance with the Order be set at the maximum sum of £5,000 in line with the recommendations of the final Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) guidance.


4.            To authorise the Director for Environmental Health to make amendments to the amount of the monetary penalty, in accordance with the guidance where the enforcement authority is satisfied that there are extenuating circumstances taking into account any representations made by the lettings agent or property manager during the 28 day period, following the authority’s notice of intention to issue a fine. 



Upgrade H&F's Edms (Information@Work) And Implement Supporting Modules: Retention And Disposal And Advanced Cache Management


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 8 March 2015


That the recommendation contained on the exempt report be approved.



Award Of Block Contract For Semi-Independent Living Services


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for Children and Education  on: 1 March 2015


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care on: 2 March 2015


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.


Development of a Bi-Borough Parking Bay Suspensions System


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 16 March 2015


That the recommendation contained on the exempt report be approved.



Home Care Management System (HCMS) - Contract Award


Decision taken by the Leader of the Council  on: 25 March 2015


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care on: 12 March 2015


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.